Volume 2
Joy or Thrill
What is Worship?
What to Think About!
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 1 The Foundation
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 2 What do I believe and what am I seeking?
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 3 “How Jesus speaks to me’ Arthur Blessitt
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 4 “How Jesus speaks to me’
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 5 “How Jesus speaks to me’ Arthur Blessitt
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 6 “Hearing the Voice of God’
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 7 “Hearing the Voice of God’
Knowing the Will of God (And doing it) Part 8 “Hearing the Voice of God’
The Human Spacesuit!
I Wonder?
Jesus is Here?
In Defense of Evangelism, Conversion, Proselytizing and Missions!
The Least or Leadership
The Fruit of the Spirit!
The Fruit of the Spirit! (Part 2)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Love (Part 3)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Joy (Part 4)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Longsuffering (Part 5)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Kindness (Part 6)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Goodness (Part 7)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Faithfulness/Faith (Part 8)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Gentleness/Meekness (Part 9)
The Fruit of the Spirit! Self-Control (Part 10)
God Delights in You!
How to Die!
How to Die! (Part 2)
How to Die! (Part 3)
How to Die! (Part 4)
How to Die! (Part 5)
How to Die! (Part 6)
Revenge and Vengeance
Do You Mean What You Say?
Jesus for the World Part 1 (Culture, Tradition and Nationalism)
Jesus for the World Part 2 (Culture, Tradition and Nationalism)
The Way of the Cross
The Cross
From the Heart of a Pilgrim Follower of Jesus
The New Life as a Follower of Jesus
What is Success?
The Use of Words…Saying ‘Thanks’
Living in the Now
Peace on Earth! It’s Here Now! Glory
Volume 3
Who is Controlling the World Today?
Learning to Say, No! (Part 1)
Learning to Say, No! (Part 2)
Learning to Say, No! (Part 3)
Stuck in a Rut
Learning from a Dog named Beau! Are there animals in Heaven?
Names of Jesus! (Part 1)
Names of Jesus! (Part 2)
The Harvest is Ripe! Then What’s the Problem?
A Time!
“I Am”
Names of Jesus (Part 3)
Names of Jesus (Part 4)
Welcome Jesus!
The Glory of the Resurrection of Jesus!
The Heart! Love
The Heart Love one another!
The Heart Out of the Heart
The Heart How do we respond?
Stealing Joy!
Right One Time and Wrong the Next Time
Wisha Shoulda Woulda Coulda
First Love
So you think you’ve got problems!
The Wind in My Face
A Friend
Jesus Only
Positions of Prayer (Part 1)
Positions of Prayer (Part 2) Laying flat down or prostrate
Positions of Prayer (Part 3) Hands Raised
Positions of Prayer (Part 4) ” Kneeling” and “praying toward Jerusalem or the Temple”
Positions of Prayer (Part 5)
Positions of Prayer (Part 6) Praying Always
“Doing the Impossible”
How many times do we ask God to forgive a sin?
God’s Unique Call
Don’t fight what you can’t change!
Rain, Wind and Cold!
Happy Birthday Blessitt!
Don’t Lose the Joy!
Extreme Makeover!
Jesus! (Introduction)
Jesus! (His Birth)
Jesus! (no surprise)
Jesus! (The Reason)
Volume 4
Jesus (The Glory and the Infant)
Jesus (The Refugee)
Jesus (Beginning of Signs)
Jesus (The Road Man)
Jesus (My Friend)
Jesus (What Did Jesus Look Like)
Jesus (The Same Jesus)
Jesus (The Way)
Jesus (I Am With You)
Jesus (Weary)
Jesus (Lord of the Harvest)
Jesus (Cooks Breakfast)
Jesus (Seek First)
Jesus (Treasures in Heaven)
Jesus (And Rahab the Harlot)
Jesus (The Best Seat)
Jesus (No Place to Lay His Head)
Jesus (Teaching and Preaching)
Jesus (With Us Always)
Jesus (Come and See)
Jesus (The Reason)
Jesus (Outdoors)
Jesus (Many Left Him)
Jesus (Prayer Heard by God)
Jesus (And Fear)
Jesus (His Hands)
Jesus (His Feet)
Jesus (His Eyes)
Jesus (His Words)
Jesus (His Face)
Jesus (His Head)
Jesus (His Side)
Jesus (His Back)
Jesus (His Arms)
Jesus (His Beard)
Jesus (His Ears)
Sharing Jesus with People of Other Religions
Jesus (And People)
Jesus (Have You Said “Thanks”)
Jesus (And the Weather)
Jesus (Crowds – Multitudes)
Jesus (His Presence)
Jesus (And Music)
Jesus (And Music Part 2)
Jesus (Tempted)
Jesus (The Radical Teenager)
Jesus (and John the Baptist)
Volume 5
Jesus (And the ‘New’)
Jesus (And the Lost)
Jesus (And Prayer)
Jesus (And Prayer Part 2)
Jesus (Joy in Heaven and on Earth)
Jesus (And Joy)
Jesus (Joy and Rejoicing)
Jesus (And Mercy)
Jesus (Give Me a “J”)
Jesus (Only)
Jesus (The Way of the Cross)
Jesus (The Way of the Cross Part 2)
Jesus (He is Risen)
Jesus (IS)
Jesus (Women at the Cross)
Jesus (Women Evangelists)
Jesus (Women — Mary and the Birth of Jesus)
Jesus (Women, ‘The Touch’)
Jesus (Women — Mary and Revelations about the Baby)
Jesus (Women – Mary and the Wise Men)
Jesus (Women- Mary in Egypt)
Jesus (Women – Mary and the Lost Child)
Jesus (Wine and a Woman)
Jesus (And Women)
Jesus (Fasting and Prayer)
Jesus (And the Sinner Women)
Jesus (The Sweet Aroma from a Woman)
Jesus (Two Women and a Dead Brother)
Jesus (Woman at the Well)
Jesus (The Women on the Day of Pentecost)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Working with you”)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Hate”)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Leave All”)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Can the Rich be saved”)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Lust is Adultery”)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Peace on Earth”)
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Sword”)
Volume 6
Jesus (Did He mean it? “Sword” Part 2)
Jesus (Speaking Today)
Jesus (Palm Sunday)
Jesus and Good Friday – Easter
The Stations of the Cross
Jesus (Good Cheer)
The Love of God
Jesus (It’s Harvest Time)
The Grief of Death
Jesus (It’s all about Me)
Beauty {Part 1)
Beauty (Part 2)
Beauty (Part 3)
Beauty (Part 4)
Not Joseph’s Son but Living in the Presence of the Lord!
The Fear of Failure
Volume 7
Arthur Blessitt: Why I write these columns
Be Kind
The Old and the New
God Delights in You
Doing a Check Up
Reality of Purpose or the Frustration of Achievement Part 1
Reality of Purpose or the Frustration of Achievement Part 2 “Boldness”
Reality of Purpose or the Frustration of Achievement Part 3 “Endurance”
Reality of Purpose or the Frustration of Achievement Part 4 “A company of Friends”
Reality of Purpose or the Frustration of Achievement Part 5 “Completed”
“To Die is Gain”
“What is in your Hand?”
“Holy Land Experience?”
“Jesus, just Jesus”
“Rest for Life’s Journey”
“Rest for Life’s Journey Part 2”
“For it is God”
“Jesus Jesus Jesus”
“Jesus Is”
“Why is the Seed Still in the Barn?”
“You Start Where You Are”
“My Heart Attack and God Delights in You”
“Fathers Day and My Children’s Greetings”