Okinawa: “The Hardest Place To Lead People To Jesus!”

The Hardest place to lead people to Jesus!

When my wife Denise and I arrived in Okinawa we had heard all the stories of how hard it is there. Yet Jesus led us to meet a mighty couple for Jesus Pastor Dave and Katsue of New Beginnings Church. We joined together and they walked with the cross with us. Now picture this: Naha, Okinawa. I am standing with the cross on my shoulder on the sidewalk of the crowded main shopping street. Denise is with me, Junko our interpreter also, along with Pastor Dave and about 15 of his church family. We are giving out gospel material in Japanese and also our Jesus stickers in English. I am explaining to six young men about who Jesus is and how He can be their Savior. Now they are ready to pray and receive Jesus. I look up and see people lined up in groups waiting to come to the cross and hear about Jesus and pray! This on the main shopping street in Okinawa! Jesus did it! Forget all that you ever heard about how hard it is to see people saved in Japan. This is the ‘New Japan’!

A man was working beside the road in the bushes. We spoke to him and asked him what he knew about Jesus. He said he had never heard of such a person. He lived up in the mountains alone except for 15 dogs and had never even made a phone call. He was a real remote mountain man. We told him of Jesus and he wanted Jesus in his life. “Now I have a friend,” he said. Dave will go visit him.

I will never forget talking to one man. I explained the glorious news of Jesus to him. After we prayed together he was so excited and said, “Now is my name in that Book in Heaven”? “Yes” I declared and he was so happy.

(Pastors David and Katsue along with their daughters Yuki and Airi and the church are still carrying a cross through the Japanese islands)

In John 4th chapter we have the story of Jesus going through on of the “hard’ places…Samaria. His disciples went into town to buy food. They disciples were just passing through the land of these people hated by the Jews and they also hated the Jews. Jesus was a Jew so surly there would be no positive response. But not so. Jesus spoke to a woman at the well and she became a believer and rushed to tell the men in the city about Jesus. His disciples returned and were amazed that Jesus was speaking to a woman. Jesus refused to eat the food saying “I have food to eat of which you do not know.”

The Bible says “many of the Samaritans of the city believed in Him because of the word of the woman.” Jesus stayed for two days in that city and they said “This is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the World.”

Oh I urge you not to let others dictate to you their unbelief. This world is ripe for harvest. I’ve shared Jesus since I was 7 years old and this month will be 70, God willing. I’ve led people to Jesus since I was a child and still do. I’ve traveled the world and I know people are open to the love and message of Jesus. The problem is not that people don’t want to hear but that there are so few to tell!

I’ve heard that ‘THIS’ place is the hardest place to lead people to Jesus over and over in most of the nations of the world and in city after city. This comes from active Christians in the country. Also they say the same things about the place we are about other countries where we are going. Defeat, lack of expectancy and unbelief is evident.

Yet, I have found the Word’s of Jesus to be true “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.“ (John 4:35) In Japan and Okinawa where most people I’ve talked to say it is so hard. Young people were lining up and gathering around to be prayed for! Even old people were coming to the cross hungry to hear about Jesus.

Have you ever said it is so hard? How about focusing on Jesus saying

“All Power is given Me in Heaven and in Earth…Go! I am with you!”

In the movie ‘The Cross’ you will see the message of Jesus and the cross going forth to the world. You can carry that message of hope and salvation in Jesus to your friends, to strangers and to your world. Share the message and let the Holy Spirit convict. Issue the invitation and let Jesus draw them unto Himself.

I’m praying for you. See the ripe fields of souls to be saved. Go now into the harvest.

To read more of the cross walk in Okinawa please go to “Crosswalk Stories” Top Left

God bless you on your journey.

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt,

Luke 18:1

I encourage you to get the movie “The Cross.” It will help you with fear and rejection and courage you to go on.

Weeks ago I started with the letter A and will go to Z focusing on a nation or island group, and what I learned in that place. If you are looking for perfection then just read the Words of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible. I’m only a pilgrim that has and is still on a journey with Jesus. He is constantly working on me like a potter does the clay. Welcome to the potter’s house!