Yes, I dream
I dream of love overflowing like Victoria Falls from the hearts of all people.
Where peace is as calm as the lack of a breeze in a valley green surrounded by
Tree-covered hills on a warm summer evening.
Yes, I dream
Open borders between nations.
A place where there is no discrimination in any form.
Where justice is the fountain from which every person drinks.
Yes, I dream
Of a garden of flowers with plants from every nation all budding and blooming.
A place where every taste of the tongue is satisfied and there is no want.
Where everyone is known as they are and all are thrilled.
Yes, I dream
That everyone’s dream comes true.
That all love and are loved.
Where there is no guilt or shame.
Yes, I dream
Smiles are on every face and tears are unknown.
There is only kindness and mercy.
There is only one family of brothers and sisters.
Yes, I dream
Of no war, no greed, no hate, no envy, no strife.
No sickness, no pain, no aloneness, no suffering.
No police, no army, no doctors, no hospitals, no government.
Yes, I dream
Of streets of gold, pearly gates and a New Jerusalem.
Where there is no death and no evil.
No night or day but eternity.
Yes, I dream
A universe to know and explore.
An eternal quest of ultimate fulfillment.
With praise and worship from every lip.
Yes, I dream
For this I am not ashamed.
I look beyond the now and sow seeds for a later harvest.
I will not let the darkness of this hour overshadow the future.
Yes, I dream
You may take away every ‘thing’ from me.
But you cannot destroy my dream.
You cannot imprison my mind and my spirit.
Yes, I dream
Hate will not make me hateful.
Greed will not make me greedy.
War will not make me fight.
Yes, I dream
I am a dreamer.
I will follow the dream God gives me.
For me, reality is what is to be, not what is.
Yes, I dream
A dreamer is more dangerous that a warrior,
The mind more powerful than the sword,
And the dreamer is a threat to every government on earth.
Yes, I dream
Dreamers never fit.
Dreamers are never confined.
Dreamers dream in prison or in chains and leave to do the impossible.
Yes, I dream
That I live life to the fullness.
And lift others up in love and kindness.
That I help the needy, poor and hurting.
Yes, I dream that
God is pleased with me.
Jesus is glorified in my life.
And that I go and tell the world about salvation in Jesus Christ.
Yes, I dream
Where God is the Father of all.
Jesus is the Savior of all.
The Holy Spirit is filling all.
Yes, I dream
The words of this poem will bless you
And even help you to dream dreams.
I dream that someone will even pray the following prayer.
“Yes, I dream
that you dear God will hear my prayer and forgive my sins.
I give my life to God.
I welcome Jesus into my life as my Savior and Lord.
I believe you died on the cross for my sins and arose from the grave and
ascended unto the Father and that you will hear my prayer and save my soul.
I want to follow Jesus.
Write my name in Your Book and make me a home in heaven.
I forgive everyone.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit and with Your love.
I want to love everyone.
Lord, this is not only my dream but also my prayer.
So now by the faith you have given me, this is no dream but a present reality.
Thank you Lord for coming into my life.
Help me to live for You and work through me to help others and be a witness for You.
You are with me Now!
Praise God.
Now Lord, fill my mind and thoughts with Your mind and thoughts that I may
live for Jesus and be a true follower.
Now give me new dreams, dreams that come from you and give me the strength
to seek to make them come true.
I love you Lord.”
(Joel 2:28-29 in the Holy Bible)
“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.”
(Acts 2:17-21 in the Holy Bible)
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out My Spirit
on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood,
before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.’
Yes, I dream.
A poem by Arthur Blessitt
Suggested reading about heaven (Revelations chapters 21 and 22)
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1
That was beautiful. God give me this,your heart Lord. Bless ings and love. Brother Tom Black.