In the movie “The Cross” there is a powerful and now popular song ‘One Step at a Time.’ This is also the first chapter of my book by the same title. Just what do I mean by this? How does it work? “The Cross” movie shows this process but I want to expand on this idea today.
Yesterday I was up early and did a walk with the cross here in the area of Denver where I live. I saw a car stop and a lady come rushing toward me on the sidewalk. She saw the cross and just had to stop. She began to share with me how greatly depressed she was. As a single mom with teenage children and a job loss, she was struggling to find meaning and reason in life. She had invited Jesus in her life and attended church. I shared with her about Jesus and letting Him be in control and following Him ‘one step at a time’. I then asked her to carry the cross to her car. When the cross was resting on her shoulder she began to cry and I prayed with her as she walked. Tears turned to a radiant smile. I felt Jesus tell me to give her some money. She had not asked for anything. As I opened my wallet I reached to get a $20 bill I knew was there. However, I happened to grab a folded $50 bill I had in reserve. I pushed it back and gave her the twenty. Suddenly I felt Jesus say give her the fifty. I hesitated and thought the twenty was enough. Then I knew Jesus wanted me to do more. I then reached back and gave her the fifty also. I felt overwhelming peace and joy. I had obeyed Jesus! This woman was praising God and saying she needed gas for her car.
The point is, I could not meet the needs of every person on earth or even all the people I know who have needs, but I could and did help “one lady” with prayer and money.
Mother Teresa became a famous saint by caring for and holding the hands of the dying in Calcutta. Saint Frances became an inspiration by just loving people and being kind and following Jesus. On and on I could go giving the stories of people, but you get the point.
Look at the commission of Jesus to His followers just before He ascended into heaven: He said in Acts 1:8 “You shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” This is the step by step of Jesus sending His followers to the world. Start where you are! Jerusalem. Then go a bit further! Judea and Samaria. Now go to all the earth!
My journey with the cross began by carrying the cross a few feet to put it on the wall of our building. Then short crosswalks down Sunset Blvd a few hundred yards and back. Next to walk across America. Then on to many nations. In 1988 Jesus said, “Carry the cross in ‘every’ nation.” Having completed every nation in 1998 Jesus said, “Every major island group.”
You’ve got the point. You start where you are.
Paul Crouch made radios in college and even made a radio station in his dorm room. Now he is president and founder of the world’s largest TV network, broadcasting the gospel worldwide. Where and how did he start?
This is one of the most powerful points of the movie. It shows how Jesus used a person with a piece of wood to go to all the world with the message of Jesus. This in the face of wars, deserts, jails, jungles and many struggles… Jesus did it.
You know you are called and chosen by God with a mission and destiny. Start now, step out where you are, even if they are only baby steps… start walking! Answer the call of Jesus. Trust in His power. Remember, Jesus said, “All power is given to me in heaven and in earth… Go!” “I am with you Always.”
Should you and I just start where we are the world would be shaken by this mighty witness. Write that song… now! Write that book… start now! Start that evangelism ministry by sharing Jesus with your family and friends and then strangers where you are. Open that website and develop the witness there. Share Jesus at the supermarket, the laundry, the dentist office and with the waitress in the restaurant. Don’t complain about what you don’t have but focus on what you do have.
The movie “The Cross” can awaken the dreams and past visions and help bring new and fresh callings. This movie can help you focus on how to really live your life. This movie will help you look at the cross in a different way and see others in a more Jesus way.
I’ve lived with the cross for forty years. This story will not only bless you, but strengthen you, touch your heart and mind and spirit in a Jesus way. Find where it is playing and get there. Take your family, friends and church plus every person needing a relationship with Jesus. Should it not be in your area now, just pray, look at each city were it is showing and contact a friend or church there.
Pray, let Jesus focus you and then start. Step by step!
I’m praying for you. I can only smile because many of you will not only read these words but you will step out on your journey with Jesus with the joy and love of the Lord filling you. God bless you!
Fellow pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt,
Luke 18:1