‘God is at Work!’
Never doubt that God is not at work in your life and in the world today! He has be at work from before the foundations of this world and still has a master plan that will come to pass. It may have seemed that the plan of God for Adam and Eve was lost in the Garden with the temptation of Satan and the fall of the first couple but it was only the start of the master plan of God working out our salvation through Jesus who would come and go to the cross so that we may have an even more beautiful place than the garden…heaven and the Presence of Jesus in us now.
Abraham in Ur may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
A baby in a basket in the Nile River may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
Moses with a rod in his hand in the may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
David with a sling and stone may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
A virgin girl named Mary may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
Fishermen in Galilee may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
120 people praying may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
Paul persecuting the church may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
A baby born in a manger may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
Jesus on the cross between two criminals may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
An empty tomb at Jerusalem may have seemed insignificant but God was at work!
You and I loving and sharing Jesus may seem insignificant but God was at work!
Our call, our mission may have seem insignificant but God was at work!
Never underestimate God!
Always expect God to be at Work in you and in our world.
The harvest is ripe. Souls are lost. Jesus is the Savior. Share this glorious news. Live in the Glory of the Lord. Be at peace. Rest in the knowledge that Jesus is with you as you welcome Him in your heart and live. God is at work in the world and in the nations. Remember Jesus said “All Power is Given Me in Heaven and in Earth.” “Go.”
When my wife and I arrived at the airport in Port Vila the capital of Vanuatu in the Pacific we had no idea crowds at the airport and lining the road were waiting for us and the cross. We did not know one person in the nation. The police told us thirty thousand people out of a population there of forty thousand were welcoming the cross. It was not that way in the nation before or the nation afterward.
One word ‘Jesus’ that I spoke, God used to change a rock stars life and eternity. One statement of ‘God bless you& produces fruit in a changed life. But not every ones response is the same. I carry the cross past a thousand people in a big city and seem mostly ignored then…one person rushes us weeping and their life is changed.
I have learned to just keep walking, sowing the seed of Jesus everywhere and seeking to follow the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit and lifting up Jesus. I try not to judge God but trust Him. One minister in Japan told me. “You are leaving tracks”! They are behind you. You may never know what follows your witness. Sometime you may see some of the fruit but never doubt that ‘God is at work’ in your life and witness as you follow Him.
“For it is God who works in you both to ‘Will’ and ‘Do’ His good pleasure.”
Philippians 2:13
May I suggest that you give a gift to someone that is also a witness! A nice Bible, a devotion book, a book of scripture promises, a book of someone’s powerful testimony, a Christian movie (The Cross), a gospel tract, a Jesus focused Christmas card.
You never know what God will do with ‘small’ things. It could just be something great because it may seem insignificant but God was at work!
For the story of the cross walk in Vanuatu go to “Crosswalk Stories” Top Left
Keep up the witness, God bless you.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt,
Luke 18:1
Weeks ago I started with the letter A and will go to Z focusing on a nation or island group, and what I learned in that place. If you are looking for perfection then just read the Words of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible. I’m only a pilgrim that has and is still on a journey with Jesus. He is constantly working on me like a potter does the clay. Welcome to the potter’s house!