The Cross Alleviated
Chapter 11
“The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting Arms.”
The Prophet Moses
“We have not a High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was, in all points, tempted like as we are.”
The Apostle Paul
The disciple now appeared, cheerfully bearing his burden, intent upon walking closely in the footsteps of his Lord. Every movement indicated great firmness of purpose and great satisfaction in the labors and difficulties of the way.
Soon, however, there was a change. It appeared to be no faltering of purpose, no hesitation to do and bear all that was assigned to him of duty or of suffering. It was a giving away of natural strength.
His knees were trembling, his face became pale; and at length he fainted and fell to the earth. He was in full submission to the will of his Lord. He had bowed his neck and followed Him implicitly. Now we see him no longer shrinking from the cross, but sinking under it. It was a sight one could scarcely behold without a tear.
He that has a feeling for our infirmities heard the cry of the weary soul and came to his relief. How promptly, how kindly, how gently, and powerfully, was His arm outstretched to lift up His fainting follower!
He spoke these words of cheer: “Fear not, I am with you; My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness. You be faithful unto death; and I will give you a crown of life.”