One of the most difficult things for many people to accept is that there is a time for everything!
The person who does not adapt to the normal changes in life lives in frustration and spends their life fighting a losing battle.
You are never able to fully enjoy life if you focus on the things you have no control over.
Growing older:
It is a natural fact of life that you grow older each day and face the clear fact of dying. You may try every thing on earth and all your time and energy trying to change this but you will lose in your effort.
Since the fall on the human race into sin with the actions of Adam and Eve we do age and die. Face it! You are growing older and will die.
So on this journey between your birth and your death you can be responsible for some things in life but for many other things you are not able responsible and cannot change.
Now we are capable of making a few changes. You can have a face-lift, hair transplant or teeth veneers. You can have liposuction and breast enlargement or reduction but as your heart beats you are one moment closer to death. And your friends may say that all the work you had done makes you look younger but I can assure you they mean younger but not young ! Ha. You may look good for fifty-five but no matter what, you are not fifteen!
Don’t fight ageing. Live gracefully and vigorously in the calling you have from God. Enjoy every moment you can and live your life to the fullest. You are changing! Even your skin changes.
I encourage you to eat healthy foods and exercise on a regular basis. Do all you possibly can to look well and feel well.
Be creative and fulfill you mission on earth for the Glory of God.
The world changes:
One of the wonderful statements by my mother when she got older was “Son, it just isn’t the way it used to be”. How true! However it never has or ever will be a world without changes.
From the changes brought on by nature to the change of culture the world is in constant change.
Nations rise and nations fall. There are wars and times of peace.
Hair and clothes styles change from generation to generation.
Moral values change even in the church culture. Just look at church history when once slavery was justified by the church. Consider the wars that were once looked upon as moral in the time now looked back on as immoral and evil.
The different kinds of music in the church and in the secular culture creates conflict and produces change. The music is in constant change both within and without the church.
Personal habits change. The family unit changes from one generation to the next. Patterns of family get-togethers and family reunions all change in whether they continue and how they continue.
Consider that word meanings change over time. Therefore in the Bible from generation to generation we use different words for the original Hebrew and Greek words. That is why there are different translations. Even the style of print changes with the culture.
Words change and the meanings change. New words come into existence and some words vanish in time. That is why one must have a current dictionary.
Writing changes. In my lifetime we moved from typewriters to computers. Just consider all the changes in communication from the phone to the Internet to satellite. On and on we could go.
People change:
You do not need to live very long to get this point.
We all change some more than others but we do change, both in our appearance, values and attitudes.
I know I have changed in my lifetime on this earth. As I have grown in knowledge and experience and spiritual maturity my life is different. In marriage or in family and among friends we either grow together or we grow apart. When times of growth or struggle or conflict come we must be sensitive to the changes in our circle of friends and workers.
People just do not stay the same. Some maintain a stable and constant life but that person is very rare. My mother seemed to make the fewest changes of any person I have ever known. All through the over sixty years that I knew her she was a solid rock of love and conviction and faith. Oh, how I am blessed with having her for a mother.
You must be open yourself to changes or you will be left behind and isolated from friends and family. You do not have to agree with every change but you must learn how to cope with the changes should you want to maintain a relationship.
Your children change. They change for infants to toddlers to teenagers to independent adults going their own direction and making all their own choices. Many parents have a hard time with all these changes.
You get the point. Almost nothing stays the same except the Word of God in its original form.
What is to be our reaction to a changing world with great values and great failures.
I think we are to focus on following Jesus in our world today! We are to love God and to love people! We are to be servants of love and service to others.
We are to be witnesses of Jesus to all the world and point people to Him as Savior and Lord.
We must not get blinded by the evil and forget the good. We must not just fight the Devil but serve the Lord God Almighty.
So many things can be used for evil or for good.
A knife can cut bread or cut someone.
Your hand can hold the hand of the suffering and needy and be a touch of love or your hand can be used to choke someone to death.
The Internet can be used for the Glory of God or for the evil hearts of people.
So it is with almost everything in this world. It can be used for evil or good.
You and I must choose. We must choose the direction of our lives and the values we hold dear to our hearts. We must choose to adapt to a changing world and change friends and family and churches.
Jesus never changes! Believe in and follow Him!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8-9 in the Holy Bible
To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 in the Holy Bible
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1