Few live to see a worldwide mission completed. Few live to see a major movie and book about their mission done. Few live to tell their story and then continue on. By the grace and mercy of God it happened to me. Staring in America with making the cross in early 1968 to starting across the U.S. Dec. 25th 1969 this mission was completed June 13th, 2008 in Zanzibar: Every sovereign nation and major island group (315)! Jesus did it. All glory to God. Over 39,000 walking miles! I’m now 70 years old and still carrying the cross on special missions around the world. I feel great, no pain, still gloriously in love with Jesus and people and still walking, preaching and sharing Jesus. That last day Jesus told me, “The world is open for you. You are free to carry the cross and minister Jesus in all the world. Wherever I lead you.”
“How did you do it?” I’m asked. “One Step at a Time”
What is your Mission in Life? When will you start?
Now is the Time. Start
I love the Lord and I love the world He made. I also love the crown of His creation: Human beings. I’ve seen the good the bad and the ugly and the Glory in these years around the world. I’ve found a lovely world of people and a true hunger for the message of Jesus.
Years ago when Jesus told me to “Give my life to carry the cross in every nation” I did not know if that meant I would die (give your life) or it meant give my time and energy and life carrying out His mission. So I never presumed I would live to fulfill the call and mission. For me personally ‘I was a dead man walking’! It gave me freedom and liberty to walk into the world’s most dangerous places with a smile and joy. I was and am doing His will and the outcome is in the Hands of God. Jesus said ‘All power is given Me in Heaven and Earth…Go! We live and minister as a special ambassador for the King of Kings and Lord of Lord…and Jesus is His Name.
We are to go, to sow seed ‘everywhere’ and the Holy Spirit will convict. Jesus said if He was lifted up “He” would draw the people. The harvest is great but he labors are few, Jesus said. We are called by Jesus to go. Success is obedience to the will of God, following Jesus and being led by the Holy Spirit.
I do not know why Jesus had us complete this mission. Many great and courageous men and women have been martyred in doing the will of God. I have not been worthy of such a humble honor. Jesus has kept me alive and my family alive to still be a witness. What Jesus did it keeping us alive while openly carrying a twelve foot cross in every nation is simply mind boggling. Only Jesus is worthy of honor or praise. I’m a simple donkey lifting up Jesus and the cross for the world to see…Jesus!
My wife Denise has been with me in 293 of the 315 countries. One or more of my children have been with the cross and me in well over a hundred countries. Awesome people on every continent and the islands have given food, drink, money, love, kindness, a place to sleep, a smile, a blessing and much, much more. It took a team of financial supporters and prayer partners to support and pray us through. Each person is equally important in the eyes of God I think.
Few live to see a worldwide mission completed. Few live to see a major movie and book about their mission done. Few live to tell their story and then continue on. By the grace and mercy of God it happened to me. Staring in America with making the cross in early 1968 to starting across the U.S. Dec. 25th 1969 this mission was completed June 13th, 2008 in Zanzibar: Every sovereign nation and major island group (315)! Jesus did it. All glory to God. Over 39,000 walking miles! I’m now 70 years old and still carrying the cross on special missions around the world. I feel great, no pain, still gloriously in love with Jesus and people and still walking, preaching and sharing Jesus. That last day Jesus told me, “The world is open for you. You are free to carry the cross and minister Jesus in all the world. Wherever I lead you.”
“How did you do it?” I’m asked. “One Step at a Time”
What is your Mission in Life? When will you start?
Now is the Time. Start
In the movie and book “The Cross” you see and hear and read of the mighty power of God at work to bring this mission to pass.
God bless you as you answer the call of God and as you share Jesus with the lost that they may be saved! Praying for you,
To read the story of the crosswalk in Zanzibar go to the top left of this page to the Crosswalk stories.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt,
Luke 18:1
Weeks ago I started with the letter A and will go to Z focusing on a nation or island group, and what I learned in that place. If you are looking for perfection then just read the Words of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible. I’m only a pilgrim that has and is still on a journey with Jesus. He is constantly working on me like a potter does the clay. Welcome to the potter’s house!