For it is God!

Philippians 2:13
For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

For me this is one of the most important verses in the Bible. It is a fundamental part of my life and living. I just love this message.

“For it is God”.

This means it is not my will or your will for me or anyone else’s will but it is God’s will that is important and primary. No matter the cost, no matter what sleep you may have to give up to pray, no matter how much study of the Bible you must do, no matter how you must spend time learning how to hear the voice of God, you must, you must come to know that ‘it is God’ that is at work in you. Get in His will and way! Deny yourself as Jesus said and follow Him.

‘Who works in you”.

My desire and passion is for Jesus to work in me. I want Him working. Now I am going to show you something thrilling and will bless you and help you in your life.

The word in Greek used here is:

energeo ^1754^, “to put forth power, be operative, to work”

(from Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words)
(Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

Now get this.
The word for ‘works’ and ‘do’ is the same word!

“To do”

So it is God that works in power in you to will and in His power to do his desire, pleasure and will!

Wow, this takes all ego and self out of serving God. It simply teaches us that we receive both the ‘will’ and the ‘power’ to do His will.

With this you will never be the same and you can move forward in the will and purpose of God.

Now let Jesus give you the will and power. Go

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt

Luke 18:1