The Cross Worshiped
Chapter 5
How patiently does the Master bear with the waywardness of His people! With what tenderness does he correct their mistakes, reprove their follies and teach them the path of obedience.
With gentle reproaches he had recalled his disciple from the vain endeavor to lighten or in any way alter the cross that He had presented. It was the cross as He gave it, which His disciple was to bear.
Oh, the weakness of the flesh and deceitfulness of the unsanctified heart seek to contrive
evasions of duty.
When I next saw him, he had set the cross upright, had wreathed it with a garland of flowers and was bowing low before it in the attitude of adoration!
“And is this,” said Jesus, as again He drew near to the erring one, “ the service which I required of you? Your duty is to bear the cross, not to worship it. It is not decking it with flowers that the ornament of celestial purity is acquired. It is not by bowing the head, or bending the knee, that your spirit within is made lowly. The cross is given to you for the crucifixion of your sinful nature. It cannot effect this without pain. You must feel the burden, you must suffer with me, else you can have no part with me.
Rise, my child, from your posture of self-indulgence and take up your cross and bear it after me.”