“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”
1 Timothy 4: 7
“The world is open for you.
You are free to carry the cross and minister Jesus in all the world
Wherever I lead you” Jesus (June 13, 2008)
These words Jesus spoke to me as I lay upon the cross in the middle of the highway in Zanzibar, Africa. It was at early dawn and Jesus had told me to lie upon the cross. I did not want to do it and had never done it before but He reminded me of the verse:
“I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, not I but Christ lives in me”
With these words Jesus commissioned me in glory to go forth afresh to the world in the power of the Holy Spirit to share Jesus, the cross and the message of the cross for the Glory of God. Tears were washing my face as I said ‘Yes’ to Jesus!
Arthur Blessitt Carrying the Cross around the World on Foot sharing Jesus 1969 – 2008
“Every nation and major island group on earth” 315 Nations, island groups and territories, 38,102 Miles
One and a half times around the world at the equator
Guinness World Records ‘Longest walk in documented human history’
Completed June 13, 2008
Jesus did it! All glory to God!
Wherever you may go the cross has gone before you!
“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” Jesus Matthew 24:14
I have just completed carrying the cross in every nation and major island group on earth. This has been 38 and ½ years on and on no matter what I faced or where Jesus was leading. For me it is a joy beyond words and a peace in my heart. Jesus did it!
This is a true ‘reality of purpose’. It is in contrast to people that achieve many great things yet still feel frustration. The will and plan of God is the way of peace. Sure there is struggle and conflict but on the inside there should be peace.
How do you do what Jesus has told you to do? Step by step and moment by moment never taking no for an answer but always pressing on in the Spirit for the way to do your mission and calling. Sure it takes faith and prayer but it also takes stepping out and just doing what you are called to do.
People often ask me what I do when it rains…I reply ‘I get wet’! What I mean is that in comfort or difficult struggles your mind to obey Jesus and your commitment is unconditional.
Some of you reading this made a commitment in the past to do a certain thing. Yet the way got difficult and the cost more than you were willing to pay. Now in the Name of Jesus rise up and obey and complete your call and life mission.
I still have the all of Jesus to go. I am not retired…I am refired! Ready and commissioned by Jesus to go and serve and carry the cross and preach and share Jesus in all the world.
This is your hour! Hear God saying “Whom shall I send and who will go for us” I pray your reply will be “Here am I Lord, Send Me”!
What is your call?
What is your reply?
When will you start?
What can stop you?
How long will you be committed to your call?
To what extent are you willing to sacrifice in order to do the will of God?
Are you truly following Jesus?
Is He with you now?
Then Go and Fear Not!
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1