There is only one path! One way — the cross is at the beginning, and the end, and all along the way. You must carry the cross you picked up at the start.
The way is not marked, only the quiet whisper of the Spirit to say which way — where to step — when to start, stop or leap.
Society, culture and religion are disguised obstacles along the path. Often we seek to find a way to lift the load on one side and then the other. Our ways are easier than ‘His Way!” The ‘gods’ beckon us to enter into them with enticing words — earthly pleasures, vain glory — but the path of Jesus is Crucifixion — dishonor and unity with Him.
For those who prevail, who crawl when they can’t walk, and grieve at their sin and weakness — there is a reward! A heavier load, a deeper burden, and if you go far enough, crucifixion!
Our joy is suffering with Him, carrying His cross, obedience, single obedience and love.
Man’s glory is in vain.
Man’s power so weak.
Man’s pleasure so quickly passing.
Jesus said “whosoever shall come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”
What Jesus offers is :
Self Denial! The cross!
And walking in His steps!
Who will dare to do it!
“I fall at Thy feet Lord Jesus. Have mercy on this corrupt flesh, breathe upon it, Oh Lord and burn me with Thy fire ‘¦ put Thy light in me, upon me and about me, that there be no darkness ‘¦ light my path that I may walk with thee in power and love. Keep me from all the corruption of wealth, pleasure and vain glory. Nail me to the cross, make me to eat the dirt of humiliation ‘¦ grind me to powder and let the Spirit blow me where you will. Make me fertile soil that Thy seed may grow in me and bear the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control. Take this flesh and speak through it thy salvation and truth ‘¦ yes Lord ‘¦ I see the cross before me ‘¦ nail me to it that I might live! Hallelujah!”
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1