The Cross Selected
Chapter 3
“Not my will, by Thine be done.” It was with a heavy heart that the youth had taken the cross, which his Lord presented to him. Only the explicit declaration that whosoever refused to be a cross bearer could not be a disciple had caused him to receive it at all.
Instead of pursuing his way with cheerfulness, his step was slow, his look downcast, and a sigh escaped from his lips. “I wish to be a Christian; I wish to be saved, the young pilgrim thought. Is there no way to attain this but by the painful one of self-denial and self-crucifixion? I know I must repent of my sins and rely on my Savior and His righteousness alone. This I have done.
But now I must take up my cross. And this cross too! How heavy it is! Why did He not give me a lighter one? One better suited to my age and circumstances in life, or to my taste and abilities? I would not disobey my Lord but surely I can be a cross bearer without struggling under a burden so heavy.
I will find myself a less painful cross.
I looked again and the disciple had gathered around him a large number of crosses of various sizes and styles. He had laid aside the cross that had been presented to him at first and was selecting one of the smallest of the group for himself.
Suddenly his Lord again stood by him, looking sorrowfully on the scene.
“Foolish child! I gave you your cross. It was prepared for you in the councils of heaven. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit sent it to aid in fitting you for your final home. Infinite Wisdom made the choice; Infinite Love approved it. And do you think to find a better cross by your own understanding?”
I observed that the man was speechless.