The Wind in My Face

At the time I am writing this column I am carrying the cross in Western Canada. Oh, it feels good to be on the road with the cross and with my wife Denise and most of all with Jesus!

I have just come back from walking on the road today with the cross. Oh, I love it! I love to meet the people that stop their cars or trucks to come to the cross. It is just beauty beyond words to feel and see the emotions and hearts of the people that stop. We talk and then have prayer and in those moments the world stops and it is heart to heart soul-to-soul reaching out and touching each other and God. These are moments that last a lifetime and an eternity as so many come to Jesus as Savior and Lord and will now spend eternity with Him.

I love the road and the people I meet and the talks we have. Today among many people I met two beautiful ladies out on their bicycles. They do fund raising for “Habitat for Humanity” that build homes for the poor. After our talk and prayer one of the ladies said that this was the greatest thrill of her life! They came back after a couple of hours and we had another talk.

Yesterday a man stopped and came over through the traffic to talk. He was a committed follower of Jesus but did not know his direction in life. This young man was confused about his mission and calling. I asked him what he would really like to do. He said I love to draw and play the guitar and sing but that he was not such a good singer. I said “Oh, praise God, you can do both!” Just think, you can go to the city park here in Winnipeg or to London in Leicester Square and set up a drawing board, start drawing then sing and let the song be about what you are drawing. Then draw and sing till you tell the story of Jesus that you want too. I tell you huge crowds would gather around.

He could even get a projector where you draw on a flat projector and it is beamed up on a large screen for large groups to see. I told him he could tour the world doing this. He was blown away! Ha.

We had a prayer and he left shaken and thrilled that the impossible was possible. Now it remains what he will do with was he sees possible.

On and on I could go with stories of people I have met just in the last few days. When you combine that with 34 years on the road it is almost beyond comprehension. My life is a life of the road and the cross and people and I love it. It is here that I feel peace and rest and refreshment. Here I am fully alive! Denise is waiting up the road for me and God is with me and the ‘wind is in my face’ as I move slowly forward at 4 miles per hour!

I love to do TV programs and I love to do our Internet website postings and columns. I love to preach in churches and meetings. I love to spend time at home. I love to write and create and do many things.

However for me my call is the cross and the road. Everything else fits around the ‘call’ and ‘mission’ of my life to carry the cross and bear witness of Jesus and love people.

What I want to emphasize is that I believe in each of us there is a place of peace and calling that puts the ‘wind in our face’ as we move forward in life to fulfill the call and mission of Jesus.

Should you be suffocating in boredom or drifting listlessly in life I want to suggest that you pause and seek out what you really want to do in life and move in that direction.

I remember laying in the hospital bed and my dear friend Pete Cantrell from Ada, Oklahoma came to me twice back in the 80’s. Once he flew to Miami and brought me a hamburger in the middle of the night and the next morning I walked out of the hospital. Then in Tulsa, Oklahoma he came again as I lay in bed at the hospital after hearing ‘bad news’. He told me to get out of there and ‘die with the wind in your face, Blessitt’! I did and I’m still walking, Jesus did it!

Another friend of mine Dr. R.T. Kendall former pastor of Westminster Chapel in London, England says ‘find and stay in your area of anointing’.

For some ‘the wind in your face’ is giving,then give!

For others ‘the wind in your face’ is caring for the poor and needy, then care!

For you ‘the wind in your face’ is evangelism’¦then evangelize!

For many ‘the wind in your face’ is your families’¦then care for your family!

For you ‘the wind in your face’ is travel and witnessing’¦then go!

What is it that really moves you, that calls you, what is that ‘thing’ that is from within your heart and soul that stirs your spirit and makes you feel alive?

Pray, let Jesus to show you His way and then ‘do it’!

Whatever it is that glorifies God and points to Jesus and is led of the Holy Spirit then do it!


Feel the wind in your face!

Feel the freedom!

Were Jesus to come walking by today and said to you “follow Me” would you do it?

Would you leave all to follow Him?

Would you sell all and give to the poor and walk away following Jesus?

Would you deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Jesus?

What are your conditions in following Jesus?

Financial security?






Your church denomination?


I leave it to you to discover for yourself where your ‘wind in the face’ is.

As for me I walk on with a smile on my face and freedom in my heart and Jesus leading the way.

God bless you on your journey!

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt

Luke 18:1