From My diary in the book “The Cross”
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28.
Iraq and Babylon
“Oh Lord, I am so thrilled I’ve lived one of my greatest dreams today. Carrying the cross in Babylon and through this historic street into the city. Jesus did it. Since I was a child I’ve always wanted to see this city. At college I wrote a paper about the walls of Babylon and today I’ve not just seen them but carried and lifted up the cross here. Praise you, God, this is tremendous. Denise and I could feel the mighty glory of God today as we did what we were told we could not do. Denise was fearless in a dangerous place and you, Jesus have snatched victory from defeat.
I feel so close to Denise. Often people think of her as an accessory to me and the cross but she is a necessity! Her sharp mind, humor, and calmness in the face of opposition and danger is heart melting. I see you Jesus, using her over and over to do things that open the way for the cross and our mission. She makes friends and those friends help us do the will of God. She was the key to us getting into Iraq and accomplishing this trip.”
Pilgrim followers of Jesus, Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1
‘Giving God Your Best’ Dairy Excerpt from the book “The Cross”
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23.
Basel, Switzerland 1987 “Oh, Lord Jesus, you have just asked me to do one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. You want me to give up my dreams, but Lord, you gave them to me! These grand ideas of the way you would use me have battled to control me. As I pray, I realize that these dreams have become idols almost. They have been motivating me and binding me. Oh, Lord, I only want you to control me! I understand that you need to rip this away from my heart and mind. Go ahead and do it, Lord. I want your will, your way, your love, your peace, your message, your salvation, and your life. It’s all about you, Jesus, I want your will even if I too must sweat in agony as you did in the garden. I give my dreams up, Lord! Wow, I feel astoundingly free. I feel calm. I have the simple knowledge that whatever you desire for me is enough. I accept whatever you send. Your will does not have to conform to any of my preconceived conditions. I am free in the Spirit! Glory.” Pilgrim followers of Jesus, Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1
“Into the Arms of Jesus”
Dairy Excerpt from the book “The Cross
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). “The events of today keep filling my mind and I feel such complex emotions. It’s been a horrendous struggle of life and blood. I held a man in the battle to either live or die. His blood has stained my clothes and hands but I cannot wash the pain away. I keep looking at my hands and wondering how to be my brother’s keeper. I want to be the emergency crew for the bruised and broken along the roads of life. The burden for the world that is within me is far harder to carry than the wooden cross. I feel the pain, I touch the people and live with them in this world. Oh, Jesus, this is the night for weeping and caring for the lost and hurting. May I be an instrument of your peace, salvation, and life. So often we are blind to others’ greatest needs. I remember, Jesus, when you were in the garden the night before your crucifixion, you asked three of your disciples to go with you to watch and pray, yet they kept falling asleep. Oh, Lord God, may I not sleep when someone needs me. Keep me awake to your will and able to see the world through your eyes. Baptize me in your passion, Jesus, and baptize me with the fire of your love that truly makes me my brother’s keeper in every way. I lift you, your cross up, Jesus, knowing you will draw all to yourself. I pray for a mighty move of your spirit to empower your children to share the message of Jesus with others. Send forth your laborers into the harvest! I close my eyes now and I can see the harvest of the world coming in Glory!” Pilgrim followers of Jesus, Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1
“Come Just as You Are” From the book “The Cross”.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).
On this historic journey around the world, I have issued invitations to people to follow Jesus and I have prayed the blessings of God upon individuals and families and nations. I would like to offer the invitation to you. Today, right now, please pray the following prayer:
“Dear God, as best as I know how, I give you my life. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I open my heart and invite you, Jesus, to come and live in me. I repent of my sins and ask you to wash them away through your Holy Blood shed on the cross. Write my name in your book in heaven. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. I want to follow you all the days of my life. Fill me with Your love and Presence as I forgive everyone I need to forgive. I am not ashamed of you, Lord Jesus, and I now confess you as my Savior. In Jesus’ Name I pray.”
As a follower of Jesus, please pray the following prayer.
“Dear God, I love you; not my will, but your will be done. Take out of me anything that does not look like Jesus. Put in me everything that does look like Jesus. Fill me with the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Free me from fear; tear down any walls in my heart and mind; fill me with love for others. I welcome the power of the Holy Spirit to use and guide me in being powerful, sensitive, and effective in sharing Jesus with others, wherever you lead me.Baptize me in your passion, Jesus, and baptize me with the fire of your love that truly makes me my brother’s keeper in every way. I lift you, your cross up, Jesus, knowing you will draw all to yourself. I pray for a mighty move of your spirit to empower your children to share the message of Jesus with others. Send forth your laborers into the harvest! I close my eyes now and I can see the harvest of the world coming in Glory!
May I hear your voice clearly and do your will perfectly. I welcome your will for my life; give me the power to do it. Help me to love others as you have loved me. Here am I, Lord. Send me!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
One of my favorite things to do as I meet people is to bless them. I have prayed for countless numbers of people around the world as I bless them in Jesus’ Name. Time and distance are no problem with God, so as I have done with people in every nation, I pray this prayer of blessing over you and your family:
“The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His Face to shine upon you
and give you His peace, blessings, and love.
May He bless your going out and your coming in
from this day forth and forevermore.
May He give you His health and prosper you in all things.
May the love of God and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forevermore. Amen.”
I encourage you to pray this prayer over yourself and your family. Simply pray it aloud and just change ‘you’ to ‘me’ or ‘us’. This then becomes your prayer.
Read Luke the 10th chapter where Jesus asked His disciples to say a prayer of peace in every home they entered. So, I pray that greeting in your home and life right now.
“Peace be With YOU.”
I encourage you to start blessing your family and friends. Everyone loves a blessing!
God Has YOU! No one else is where you are.
God Has YOU! No one else is you.
God Has YOU! Designed by God to live out your special destiny and purpose.
God Has YOU! To express His love, mercy, forgiveness and salvation.
God Has YOU! Called to follow Jesus and share His message of salvation with others.
Now say this for yourself:
God Has Me! No one else is where I am.
God Has Me! No one else is Me.
God Has Me! Designed by God to live out my special destiny and purpose.
God Has Me! To express His love, mercy, forgiveness and salvation.
God Has Me! I am called to follow Jesus and share His message of salvation with others.
I will start now!
I trust that you have been blessed with these ‘Extra Lessons’. I wrote these columns and wanted to share the content with you. Blessings!
God bless you,
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1