‘The God of Small Things’
Very often we view ourselves as small and almost insignificant. Our lives like St Helena seem to be in the middle of the ocean. We feel lost or undiscovered. Yet I carried the cross on the island and the people were so thrilled the big cross had come to them.
Oh how thrilling it is to know that God created all the earth and everything that is. “The Eyes of the Lord are in every place” (Proverbs 15:3) No matter where you are or what you are going through…God know all about it, good or bad. There is nothing hidden from His eyes. Humans did not discover St. Helena until 1502. However you have never been undiscovered to God. He made you and loves you.
Sometimes we want to do something important, big, and world changing. I remember Jesus speaking so clearly to me many years ago ”Let your dreams be no bigger than the next person you meet”! Wow, I could do that.
So often it is the simple acts of kindness, love, words of care and understanding that melt a persons heart and turns them to Jesus. When my son Joshua and I went into the war in Lebanon in 1982. When we walked through two blocks of land mines and into West Beirut we were carrying our big crosses. Guns were pointed toward us. We waved and smiles and put Jesus stickers on the PLO and Moslem forces guns. Our fearless love and openness melted the hearts by the power of Jesus and within half an hour Yasser Arafat came to see us!
My first crosswalk was about twenty feet to carry the cross from where we had build it over to the wall where we attached it to the wall of our building. Small steps but it was the first steps that would later take me around the world with the cross.
Perhaps there are things you have considered too small for you. You deserve greater things. Well I challenge you to do what Jesus is calling you to do right where you are.
There are lost all around you. Start sharing Jesus there. Then He may call you to other places. Don’t bury your talents in the ground. Use them and Jesus may give you more.
I never dreamed my life would be connected with wood. Simple wood. When I was a child we had a sawmill and I cut down trees into logs. Then we took them to the sawmill and cut them into timber. No mission to the world then. Just helping dad to make a living. Now my life has been connected with wood in the form of a cross for forty-two years.
St. Helena is one of the most isolated islands in the world. It is in the middle of the Atlantic about half way between Africa and South America. Yet this island became famous because it was where the British exiled Napoleon Bonaparte. Also the 4,225 people were surprised to see my wife Denise and I getting the 12-foot cross off a rubber dinghy and carrying it around the island. A small island but God’s love reaches there too and they have purpose and value equal to a person in London or Jerusalem.
Remember: God used Moses rod, David’s sling and rock; Jesus used on boys lunch of two fish and five loaves of bread. Jesus even used a donkey! What is in your hand? How can you be fruitful with your life? What are some ways you can share Jesus? Nothing is too small for God to use. Jesus said that even if our faith was only the size of a mustard seed you could move mountains! You’ve got that much faith so start moving that mountain!
You can see how I walked out my ‘small thing’ carrying a cross. Then carrying it to the world in the movie and book “The Cross”. You will love the simple story and it can be a powerful witness for your friends. Christmas is coming and now would be a great time to order. You can give a Christmas gift that could help give eternal life to your loved ones and friends.
To read about the crosswalk in St. Helena go to “Crosswalk Stories” Top Left
God bless you and remember to share Jesus with someone today!
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt,
Luke 18:1
Weeks ago I started with the letter A and will go to Z focusing on a nation or island group, and what I learned in that place. If you are looking for perfection then just read the Words of Jesus in the New Testament of the Bible. I’m only a pilgrim that has and is still on a journey with Jesus. He is constantly working on me like a potter does the clay. Welcome to the potter’s house!