The Fruit of the Spirit! “Gentleness” “Meekness” (Part 9)

‘The fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness (meekness) and self-control.’
(Galatians 5:22-23 in the Holy Bible)

To me this is one of the most thrilling fruits of the Holy Spirit. The application of the meaning of this word has two parts: one toward God and the other toward others.

Our relationship toward God is that we are to be honoring of His will and calling in our life. We are not to rebel and go against God. We believe in Him, trust in Him and accept His will as our will. We are to be grateful and thankful to God in all things. The meek and humble and gentle person loves Jesus and accepts His will for their lives. We are not hardened toward God and His will. Often in the Bible God refers to people with hearts like stone, or hearts that are cold or hardened or hearts that have turned away from God. Oh may our hearts be open to the mighty work of the Holy Spirit giving us the spirit of meekness toward God. Let us magnify the Lord as we walk humbly before Him thrilling to do His Will and live in His Way.
The person that is thrilled to be meek and gentle to God is a fertile field for God to move and demonstrate His Power and Glory. Be open to all Jesus has for you and you will be blessed and at peace. Our response to anything Jesus has for us should be “Yes and Amen’!

In the scripture below we see that this was the very nature of Jesus. May it also be our nature.

“Now I, Paul, myself am pleading with you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ.’
2 Corinthians 10:1

Now let’s move to look at what is to be our gentle and meek relationship with others. To many this sounds like weakness. Our nature is to ‘stand up for my rights’! “Don’t let others that advantage of you!’ All of these responses are Not what this Bible passage has in mind.

My idea of this is that meekness is restrained power! Jesus had ‘All power in heaven and in earth’ yet He held the little children in His lap. How beautiful. He had power but restrained Himself to be gentle and loving and kind.

I remember once as I traveled with Rosie Greer a famous football player in the U.S. and who was a bodyguard for Bobby Kennedy. We were at Denver airport and people would recognize him and come up to talk or get autographs. One lady that rushed up and handed Rosie her very small little baby. I watched as this huge powerful man took the baby in his hands. With his great power this man could have crushed that child but he handled it with tender loving care. To me this is gentleness.

Jesus was gentle and yet all-powerful.
You may have the power to embarrass or humiliate someone but you do not. This is being meek and gentle. You see not using the power you have is truly a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

The person that is seeking the best in others and helping lift up others is meek and gentle. What a blessing to be around a person that is always speaking kindness and love and is never demeaning.

Often people say things or do things that are very destructive to the other person. Just one unkind word can ruin a day or even a lifetime for someone else. Most people respond in kind to the actions of others. Ego is dominant and anytime that person feels threatened they lash out in defense of their ego.

This fruit of the Holy Spirit is so very opposite of what is often called the “American Spirit’. Arrogance, pride, self-expression and that independent self-sufficient attitude is not the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’. In school we are taught from childhood that my school is better than your school. My country is better than your country. We are better than you are. Our team is better than your team. We are the best! We are number 1.

Now you have this person that is full of this kind of thinking and they read these words
‘The fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith,
gentleness (meekness) and self-control.’
And this message that should be thrilling is in its self very threatening to their ego and life. This is not good news to the arrogant in spirit.

Many people live their lives in a constant struggle to repair their bruised egos. Most do this by constantly lashing out at others. Cutting words, glaring looks, body language – all fighting back to somehow keep from being ‘put down’. To this person, reading this column you want to cry out even as you read this and say; “Well, Arthur, if you only knew ‘¦ you would realize that I cannot have that gentle and meek attitude’. My response is simply,”What are you to do with this scripture and many others? It is not the Word of God that needs to change: it is you!’

Ask the Holy Spirit now to produce this fruit in you. Ask God to change your heart and mind. Ask Jesus to put His mind in you and fill you with His desires and will and nature.

How beautiful and peaceful it is to be a gentle and meek person. Both in relationship to God and with others may our life be filled with the fruit of the Spirit “Gentleness and Meekness’.

Should this column stir your spirit. Don’t dismiss it. Read it again and ponder the truth and let Jesus change you.

God bless you,

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1