A Christmas Prayer:
“Almighty God, maker of Heaven and Earth; whom before You,
all the Hosts of Heaven along with all the Angels worship. You
are worthy of all Glory and Praise. Holy, Holy Holy we celebrate
this moment when the Word of God became Flesh!
We thank you Father for loving us and for sending Your only Begotten Son to whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life! Thank you Holy Spirit for putting in the womb of the Virgin Mary the Holy God whose Name is Jesus!
We bow in amazement like the Hosts of Heaven did at the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Oh, thank You Jesus that You lived without sin yet was despised and rejected. You revealed to us the pure Love of God. You were the friend of sinners and healed the sick. You showed us love in washing the feet of a sinful man. Oh, fill us with your pure love.
Thank you that you that You were Holy and Pure and Sinless yet became our sin bearer in going to the Cross. You who raised the dead, touched and cleansed the lepers, forgave sin, cast out demons, healed the sick, was despised and rejected, spit upon, slapped in the face, hit, beaten, carried a cross, was nailed to the Cross…all for us!.
Oh Jesus, You whose birth was announced to the shepherds of sheep in the fields. Oh, I weep. You were the Baby born in Bethlehem who was destined to be the Sacrificial Lamb of God who would die on the Cross in the field, on a hill call Calvary…Golgotha! Jesus, John said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”
Thank You Glorious Jesus for all You suffered on the Cross.You are the Holy Baby of Bethlehem, now we see you on the Cross where You cried out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me.” Thank You Jesus for taking my place, paying my debit, dying on the cross, descended into Hell, arose from the grave on the third day and then ascended into Heaven. We worship You with all the Angels when one sinner repents and believes and is saved!”
I trust You Jesus to be my Savior! Wash me, cleanse me, take away my sins, give me eternal life! Fill me with the Holy Spirit and with the love of God. Here am I send me to be Your witness to the ends of the earth. Holy Spirit fill me with Thy Presence. Empower me to share You with others. I am not ashamed of Jesus!
Put my name in Your Book in Heaven. I rest in peace and know that You have carved me in the Palms of Thy Hands. Oh, Lord God, when my time comes to depart this earth; send Your Holy Angels to take me to Jesus in Heaven. In Jesus Name I pray to God; Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Have a blessed Jesus Christmas! Peace on earth and in your hearts!
Christmas Glory in the Jungles! Crowds of people welcoming the Cross at Christmas. This should fill your hearts with joy, love and peace. Taken from my daily diary.
“Today I carried the cross through the largest village in Papua New Guinea. The chief and the old man of the village presented me with the most important thing they had to give me… a necklace with a huge boar’s tusk surrounded by shells and two nuts. I was made a New Guinea tribesman. The tribesmen also gave a similar gift to my son Joshua. Now we are real Papua New Guinea people!
If I said this was a glorious Christmas Eve, it would be a poor adjective. This day is beyond words!
I started carrying the cross in Mt. Hagen today at 8:00 p.m. Hundreds followed us everywhere. People in grass skirts, some in little bark G-string skirts, others with feathers in their hair, some in western dress. All came to hear the word of God, and to see for a moment what was happening. The man with the cross was here! The power of God was poured out. People were on their knees with their hands up. People were crying out to Jesus. I preached over and over. At noon today I preached in a huge market. Near a primitive jungle I saw two very old men sitting at the foot of the cross touching it, one was wearing a G-string and the other was in old pants. They were so precious. I asked another man to try to talk to them but they couldn’t communicate. They seemed to have heard about Jesus but knew nothing about the cross, yet they were drawn to it. They were looking at and touching every inch of the cross. Finally, I found someone who could interpret and both of the men gave their lives to Jesus.
I preached Christmas Eve night at the Philadelphia Church in the Mount Hagen area. It was one of the greatest movements I have ever seen of the Glory of the Lord being shown. As I was preaching in a crowded building, surrounded by a sea of faces all along the walls and out the door, the Lord gave me this vision. I could see in my mind saved people for 2,000 years … the black, red, brown, white, every color, every look, every description… and I could see them all glorying in the cross, glorying in the Lord.
I was preaching on the Scripture passage where angels sang the night that Jesus was born, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will toward men.” The angels were glorifying God and I was thinking of all the people through all the ages of every color that had gloried in the cross and gloried in Jesus. I was crying, the people were crying. It was awesome. All I could feel inside the church was that the angels were there!
It seems as though Jesus must have been standing outside the church. No one saw anything, no one was looking out, but I’ve never been in a meeting before where I felt the Lord was standing there and all around… His glory, His angels… we glorified God like Revelations 5 in the Bible where it says, “Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessings.”
These were primitive people and God was visiting them and they were all crying out. It went on and on and on. The whole church was caught in the glory of the Lord and we glorified God and praised Him. I never wanted to leave that place, for it was the greatest Christmas Eve I had ever spent. But I had to leave as I had plans to preach down the road. I continued on with the cross and the people followed me. They were singing and clapping. It was just beautiful as we walked with the cross. Joshua and my interpreter, Charles, were with me. I arrived at the Catholic Church. The priest had asked me to come that night and preach at this, the most important Mass of the year… Christmas Eve Mass.
Just as it turned into Christmas Day. Thousands of people packed the church and stood all around it. Seas of people were inside and out the church. We pushed through the crowd to take the cross to the altar. The priests were Polish and American. When I arrived they had me speak and the Glory of God came … strongly and powerfully. I shared about Jesus and the people coming to the cross of Jesus at His birth. The people were smiling and crying. I prayed for the people to invite Jesus into their hearts. There was no way to have an altar call, for there were so many people you couldn’t move. But it was glorious! Jesus was there! I don’t think it could have been any more wonderful than it was the night Jesus was born except we could have seen him face to face. It seemed that the Lord was all around the place!
The priest took me to the rear of the church to the little place where they lived and we ate some cake and prayed together. We cried and made a circle and hugged each other, and spoke of the beautiful love of the Lord. I stood there with these priests who sacrificed marriage and children, but were full of the love of Jesus and working and giving their lives in the cause of Christ. That Christmas night, first in a Protestant, then in a Catholic church, I felt the unifying bond of Jesus Christ and had the greatest Christmas Eve I’ve ever known. I’ve seen a great move of God’s Spirit in Papua New Guinea. It was powerful!
Praise the Lord; it has been 11 years today, December 25, 1980,
that I have been carrying the cross around the world. And here I am in the jungles of New Guinea on Christmas Day. Hallelujah.
All along the road today I can only see a sea of faces. People pouring out of the mountains onto this little trail as far as
you can see, women suckling babies, carrying loads, old men, young women, hundreds, thousands… people rush up saying,
“I’m a bad sinner, can you help me?” What an awesome, awesome time!
As far as the eye can see, clear to the top of the hill and all the way back down the road was masses of people. The road was completely blocked. It was chaos. It is the largest meeting I’ve had so far. Thousands upon thousands of people crowded around. It was awesome. I preached a sermon in the center of the town where people were weeping, on their knees, they were crying. It was just unbelievable… unbelievable! Glory, glory!
Today was another one of those unbelievable days. It was glorious… a day of salvation and joy. Thousands welcomed the cross into the city. The highway was blocked as thousands poured into the streets. The police were trying their best to keep order, but it was hopeless. There must have been 25,000 to 30,000 people lining the roads for miles into town. It was impossible to stop and preach to all of them because we had the entire road blocked. One can never know what is it like to see this; the people along the road, in the trees, standing on the tops of cars, sitting on top of houses, waving and cheering, pushing and shoving to see the cross and follow along for a while. The power of God fell as I preached in the hot jungle heat. At noon there was a sea of people as I preached. Thousands prayed and confessed Jesus Christ as their Savior. On, and on day after day.
From the Bible: “The the Angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!.” Luke 2:10-14
Oh come let us Adore Him! Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. You pray! “Dear God, I give my life to Jesus and put my trust in Him as my Savior and Lord. I repent of my sins, wash me in the Blood of Jesus and give me a new life. Thank you Jesus for dying on the Cross for my sins. Write my name in Your Book in Heaven. Thank you Jesus for saving me. I am not ashamed you You. I confess Jesus as my Savior. Help me to tell others about You, Lord Jesus. In Jesus Name I pray! Amen.”
Pilgrim/Evangelist Followers of Jesus, Arthur and Denise Blessitt Have a blessed Jesus Christmas and New Year!
Pilgrim/Evangelists Followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt. Luke 18:1
P. O. Box 632246, Littleton, Colorado 80163 U.S.A.
Photo: Arthur in Bethlehem Square with Cross. Copyright©
Photo: Denise at the place Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Copyright©