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Oh how I love Jesus!

Oh, how I love Jesus!

I praise you and thank you Jesus for loving me. 

Throughout my life I have known you. You saved me

when I was seven years old.

You called me from the swamps and cotton fields to 

the most far away places on earth. 

You ordained that I would preach the Gospel in every nation and major island group.  

How awesome are the times we have walked together and

carried the cross and showed the way of salvation in You Lord.

In far distant wars and jungles we faced the dangers 

in Your mighty power and grace. 

So many late nights on Hollywood’s Sunset Strip and

days with thousands lining the roads to see

the cross and receive You Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Peoples of all races, colors, languages and countries

becoming family.

I saw you Jesus in Your power and glory healing the sick

and broken-hearted. 

You have been with me meeting world leaders and terrorists.

I look at the three crosses I have carried around the world

and at the large pile of broken cross beams and 

worn out shoes. I remember the countless stories we 

shared together. Oh, Lord Jesus You have comforted me

in my hurts, pains, betrayals, disappoints and 

at times my heart was broken.

I have carried the cross to the suffering and needy people

all around the world. And You gave me joy and

comfort. Yes, You Jesus have given me love! I have known love. You have let me know the honey of life. I have been loved and I have been able to love. What a gift from God. To know the tender touch, loving eyes and a heart full of love for me. Thank you Jesus.

I remember Father Maloney in Rome, Italy. He was my interpreter

in the streets, at meetings and when I met Pope John Paul II. 

He came out on the street to see me off carrying the cross

to Assisi. After we said a prayer I started off. 

I heard his voice behind me calling me back.

He looked me deep in the eyes and said,

“Arthur, I like you! We are commanded by Jesus to

love every person. However I don’t like the

way some people curse or their actions or behavior

but, I love them even though I don’t like a lot of things

about them. But I love you and….I like you!

I like to talk with you, I like to pray with you.

I like to interpret for you. I like being around you!

I love Jesus and I like Jesus! I like His teaching, 

I like talking with Him. I like living my life with Him.”

We were both crying and hugged each other. 

As I share from my heart I must say that truly 

I Love Jesus and I like You Jesus!

I like living my life with you and enjoy Your company.

You said I will never leave you or forsake you and that

is so true. You Jesus are truly the Way and the Truth 

and the Life. 

I have lived a happy and fulfilled life. 

My smile is real. My joy is complete. 

You Jesus are the fulfillment of all I desire. 

I have learned to smile and cry at the same time.

In You I have peace.

I have desired to rest in the sovereign will of God.  

I could say that I seek to live out Philippines 2:13

“For is God who works in you both to will

and to do for His good pleasure.”

I will never leave the cross, the Blood and the resurrection!

Let me say to you my Lord and God and to those that read this.

I seek to do what Jesus wants. I don’t have a box. I have Jesus. The night I was filled with the Holy Spirit, I was alone in my college dorm room. I told Jesus “I will be Your garbage can. If there is anything You want done and no one will do it. …and you get to the bottom of the barrel. I volunteer!!! All I ask is that You go with me!!!”

I have been sharing from my heart about my life with Jesus. Not the focus on the things I’ve done or place I’ve been. But a peek into my heart and my relationship with Jesus during the past 81 years. I have been young and I am old but Jesus has never failed me. I have failed Him I am sure but His mercy and grace is sufficient and overflowing.

I encourage you to let Jesus purify your heart and life and fill you with His love and grace. Start enjoying your life with Jesus now! You will be with Him for eternity. 

I have a glorious time with God now! I pray it will even grow so that when He calls me home to heaven it will be a blessed and beautiful passing into the fullness of the Glory of the Lord.

Should you not know Jesus as your savior, I invite you to pray.

“Dear God, I want to know you and I give you my life. I put my faith in Jesus who died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven. As best as I know how I repent and turn to follow You. Put my name in Your Book. I am not ashamed of Jesus. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen” Now share Jesus with someone. Find a good Bible study or Church or start one! Glory.

I love you Jesus and I like to live with You and follow You. I love all people whatever their color, nation or language.

Jesus You told me on the Amazon River to proclaim to the world, 

“The Glory of the coming of the Lord is at Hand.”

Pilgrim/Evangelist Followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1.

Photo: The three crosses I carried around the world.©

Photo: The broken cross pieces, all my shoes, etc.©

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