Please pray for Sophia and Denise…healing. “You were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold…but with the Precious Blood of Christ” God forbid that I should glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 1:18-19; Gal.6:14
What a blessed joy to be called to carry the cross and share Jesus worldwide. Jesus did it and we keep walking on and witnessing Jesus in social media on the internet. Every week we have people contacting us and telling how we helped lead then to Jesus going all the way back to the my childhood. From people in nations all over the world. Even now out carrying the cross people rush to the cross to talk and pray and find new life. Than you Jesus for Your love and shed Blood on the Cross. We love you God: Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Thanks for your Presence, Mercy and Grace! Glory. Eternal life if found in Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus for shedding Your Blood on the Cross for us.

Thank you so much for your love, prayers and support. You are a vital part of taking the cross and message of Jesus to people all over the world. Jesus bless you so much. You are a part of all those being saved and blessed and helped to share Jesus with others.
Peace, blessings and love!
God bless you!
Pilgrim followers of Jesus.
Arthur, Denise and Sophia Blessitt, Luke 18:1
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