I, Arthur Blessitt have completed my walk and mission on earth. I departed to heaven on January 14, 2025. I was just a donkey and pilgrim, lifting up the cross and Jesus and loved the people of the world. What a glorious journey of life with Jesus my Lord and Savior. I’ve really been looking forward to this walk in Glory. These feet that walked so far on roads of dirt and tar will now be walking on the streets of gold. Ready to see Jesus again! I rejoice in Jesus, now, and in the hour of my passing. “Father, into Your Hands Jesus I commit my spirit”. I am home at last, this was my last trip! I have been an evangelist, soul-winning preacher, pilgrim and cross carrying witness of Jesus.
I was born in 1940, saved at the age of 7, called to preach as an evangelist at 15, ordained as a minister at age 20. I have had a blessed and wonderful life, full of joy and at peace with God and people. “Praise God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. I have lived my life loving the people of the world sharing the message of Jesus, the cross and salvation. I’ve carried a 12 foot cross in 324 countries (in every sovereign nation), major island groups and territories. I have walked with the cross of over 43,340 miles, over 86 million steps and carried a total weight of over 19 billion pounds on my feet and am listed in the Guinness World Records for the Longest Walk/Pilgrimage.
I sadly leave behind my adorable, awesome, beautiful, Godly and true follower of Jesus, Denise Irja Blessitt, my wife. Denise is the love of my life! I will be waiting for you my love! I will not be complete until you are in my arms again. Denise is a true reflection of Jesus and a lover of all people. She has been with the cross and me in 294 countries and island groups. She is the most loving, fearless, bold witness for Jesus I’ve ever known. We traveled together with the cross witnessing for Jesus to the world. I could not have made it without her. She is the president of the Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association. Denise is an ordained minster and will continue this ministry of the cross as Jesus leads her. You may donate right now on our website at https://www.blessitt.com/product/donate/ You can also donate to this ministry by mail at the address at the end of this letter. I trust that you will stand with her in financial support and prayers as she and our glorious daughter Sophia do outreach around the world however Jesus leads them. I have prayed over Denise and ordained her as my successor in taking the cross and the message of the cross to the world. Please help Denise and Sophia in this ministry. God bless you.
I am survived by my seven wonderful children, Gina, Joel, Joy, Joshua, Joseph, Jerusalem and Sophia, twelve grand-children and one great-grand-daughter and also my lovely sister Virginia. I’ll be waiting for you all. I love you with all my heart. Thanks for helping me and the cross walk and loving me. Thank you to all who have loved and helped me and this ministry take the message of Jesus and the cross to the world. Special thanks to the Board of Directors, treasured friends through the years of serving together for the Glory of God. Thanks to all of you that I met along the way of my life and crosswalk. For the love, food, drink and welcome from the cities to the jungles and wars and deserts. You welcomed the cross and this walking pilgrim. I leave thinking of you all. True treasures. Great thanks to you who have supported us with your gifts of finances. You have been a vital part of my life and this mission as you covered us with prayer and support. I look forward to meeting untold numbers of people that God has used us to help lead to Jesus and salvation.
I request that there be no funeral or memorial service for me. The greatest thing you could do would be to go out and lead one more soul to be saved. The second thing would be that you would support this ministry of the cross in sharing the message of Jesus with the world. Share Jesus with someone today and lead a lost soul to be saved. In Jesus name! A cross carrying pilgrim follower of Jesus.
Arthur Owen Blessitt, Luke 18:1
www.blessitt.com Here is recorded the life and times of my life along with www.thecrossmuseum.com
Everyone knows that death brings us face to face with God. “Should you have died the moment you read this, do you have the assurance that you would be in Heaven?” Here is my final call for you to receive Jesus as your Savior! Jesus now as your Savior, giving your heart to God. He is waiting for you. How? Simple, but life-changing. Call on Him now!
“Dear God, I believe in you. Have mercy on me a sinner. Lorde Jesus I want to follow you. Cleanse me from my sins and come into my life as my Savior and Lord. As best as I know how I repent of my sins and turn to Jesus. I believe you lived without sin, died on the cross for my sins and arose again on the third day and how now ascended unto the Father. I love you Lord, take control of my life. I put all my faith in Jesus to save me. I forgive everyone and ask you to fill me with Your love for all people and lead me to care for the needs of others. Make my home in heave and write my name in Your book in heaven. I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and desire to be a true believer in and follower of Jesus. Thank you God for hearing my prayer. In Jesus name I pray”.
Praise God. We rejoice with you as you have received Jesus into your heart and life. You are in the Family of God and your name written in the Book of Life. Now share what has happened to you with others… now!
Study the Holy Bible, the Word of God, be baptized and get in fellowship with other followers of Jesus. God bless you. Arthur Blessitt, Luke 18:1
www.blessitt.com Here is recorded the life and times of my life along with www.thecrossmuseum.com
Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association
Denise Blessitt
P.O. Box 632246
Littleton, CO 80163
Love to you Arthur and family. Home at last.
God bless you Arthur. There will never be another like you. I have followed your travels for many years. Had the honor to meet you once in Oklahoma City. What an honor for me!
You served well. And touched the world literally! Well done servant of God well done. ✝️❤️
Well done brother; With Christ, far better
Thank you Jesus for this man and his love for You. He impacted my life in the 60s and 70s during my college years.
I hear Your words, “Well done good and faithful servant.” Well done!
I met Arthur in Aurora at the Potter’s house. Had just finished a counseling session in Aurora. It was daylight and still Wednesday . I Remembered Arthur might be there. I walked into the Church. I had a nice colorful shirt on. Authur came straight over to me, he didn’t know me, but he pulled his oil out of his TOP POCKET AND ASKED IF THERE-WAS ANY THING HE COULD FOR Me . I worked at a coffee bagel place and was addicted to coffee. On days off I went to another place for coffee. I asked for only water they warned me the TEMPERATURE OF THIS WATER. The tip of my tongue was burnt. He didn’t know this but pulled out his little bottle of Oil and Touched my forehead gently with the tip of his finger. The security that followed him trying to see everything that was done. He ignored them I Ignored them. I was important enough to be seen by him
I first heard the gospel when Arthur Blessitt came to our boys school, Campbell College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, in July 1972 and preached a simple yet clear and powerful message. Praise God I responded that day! Praise God for Arthur Blessitt! Looking forward to meeting up again!
So sad to hear that Arthur is no longer with us.
I first heard the gospel when Arthur Blessitt came to our boys school, Campbell College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, in July 1972 and preached a simple yet clear and powerful message. Praise God I responded that day! Praise God for Arthur Blessitt! Looking forward to meeting up again!
he is one of the most humble, simple ,full of grace man that walked
around the world and will be missed only for a little while i can only
say may God have mercy on all of us.
I was blessed to hear his preach in person at New Covenant Ministries in Jacksonville, FL many years ago and purchase his book. What a blessing to the Church.
I have been following Mr. Blessitt for years. I’m so sorry to hear of his passing. The world has lost a Great man of God. Heaven has gained a true Angel on earth. My sincerest Condolences to the Blessitt family. I will keep you all in prayer as you pick up the mantel. I know Mr. Blessitt has heard “Well Done my Good and Faithful Servant”. To God be the Glory ❤️.
Thank you TBN for telling us Arthur Blessit went home to Heaven today after sharing his lifelong ministry of meeting the people in the world pulling his Cross across boundaries of many countries. He was a man after God’s own Heart helping anyone to know Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior who took our sins away on the old rugged Cross in Jerusalem by His blood we are saved from hell & spend our life praising God and sharing the Good News. My husband & I read the Bible every day going from Genesis to Revelation. To be Born Again in June 1989 is the most important decision of my life! To be able to learn His Word & Truth is my greatest joy & teach our three children to give their life to the Lord Jesus is the greatest gift of love ever. Today our daughter Sarah gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and both are healthy, praise God!! So I share this gift of life and love today as you celebrate the Homecoming of your husband to Heaven! There is joy in going Home to see Jesus face to face and there is sweet joy of a newborn baby girl in our life. Thank you God for blessing each of us with Your lovingkindness everyday.
With joy in Jesus,
Beth Ellen
May GOD continue to lead you in this Ministry. Arthur went HOME TODAY 01/14/2025. Well Done Faithful Servant. Amen.
Thank you for sharing your life story on TBN we were watching on TBN, it was a blessing to see as you shared your walk with Jesus the faith and trust in knowing that once he told you you follow him to the end .we will be praying for your family as they follow to do GODS WILL.
Walked with Arthur from Freetown to Jui with 21 others on his first day walking across Africa in 1973. He taught us many things including the Jesus shout – give me a J – and Jesus is the Bridge over troubled waters. Thanks be to God!
Praise be to God for all Christians have daily and eternally once we choose Christ and to follow Him. Thank You, Lord, for Arthur Blessitt and the Holy Spirit helping and protecting him on earth. Thank You for the friendship he had on earth with the heavens and his testimony and remarkable witness. Thank You for the joy in knowing where he is, what he is now doing and the joy brought by even his earthly body passing giving everyone hope. Jesus is Lord.
What a blessing Arthur has been to the world, now and forever. God bless .
What a blessing he has been to the world , now and forever. He will be missed. God bless
God bless you
I hope to see you one day in heaven Arthur . Tears are falling for a true man of God . Peace be with you
Loved Arthur Blessitt & His Ministry
I and this whole world has been truly blessed by God through Arthur Blessitt’s ministry & I’m sorry for your temporary loss of him, like my parents, I’m so absolutely estatic for him to be home in Heaven with our heavenly Father & precious Lord & Saviour Jesus!!! I’m praying for you all and this minstry to continue to God’s Glory until He calls up up to join them in the air…hopefully soon!!! 🙂
I am sorry for your family’s loss.
Oh how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news…. What a testimony,✝️what a ministry
What a life
Jesus, oh how we love you ❤️
Will be praying for you Denise and your family
Happy to support you
Please keep me on your email list
Sincerely, Kathleen
Hab 3:17-19
This is so beautiful and such an amazing soldier for God RIP
May God strengthen you, Denise, and your family as you walk through the days ahead . What an outstanding example of the love of Jesus that Arthur and you have been to the world ! So many lives changed because of the dedication and commitment to tell the good news of the Gospel.
I know Jesus has great rewards in store for him . !
Praying for you.
Arthur had a wonderful way of being brave. I’ve been watching him since 1975. If any man that I can think of deserves heaven, that is him. I am not sad. I’m sure he’s happy beyond our understanding.
Hallelujah, he is now taking the greatest walk of his life. Arthur is not carrying a cross, but he is before the one who hung on that cross for him. Oh the excitement!!
A Life Well Lived!! Glory to GOD!. Thank you Arthur Blessitt for your obedience, the living example that it Can Be Done! Your testimony shall live on for all to see and hear around the world. Thank you! For those of us who are still asking how do we do this great commission? All we have to do is see the life you have lived. Thank you. Enjoy Heaven, until the rest of us catch up. Agape. Walk good up there.
Arthur led me to Jesus in 1977 in the Uk.I have been a fiery evangelist ever since til this day.
Thankyou Jesus for sending Arthur to lead me to Jesus!
Much love
Stan Smith
Manchester UK
A Good and Faithful Servant. 1981 is when I received the Lord and remember Authur Blessit and his ministry. A man after God’s heart.
God bless your. Industry and your commitment to sharing the gospel and bringing people to Christ.
Thank you for the inspiration of your service dear brother. I never met you but what a legacy of grace and devotion to the love of our lives – the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you.
thanks much for the INPIRATION
Arthur is one of the noteworthy evangelists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Well done.
– I am a fellow evangelist, 10 years his junior.
What an inspiration! God bless this ministry’s work!
Arthur got his promotion! Praise God! Of course were sad because of missing him physically but sign and very soon we will be reunited with our Loved ones. The best is yet to come!!
Thank you for Arthur. He’s really busy right now hugging and Shaking all the hands of those he led to to our Savior Jesus. Christ! My condolences to his wife!❤️❤️
I wrote about Arthur Blessitt in Norwegian media:
Use Google Translate 🙂
God bless you!
Thank you for all you have done.. I remember seeing you years ago in Miami fl. and wished I had stopped to speak to you.. I watched your show after you passed and was so amazed.. rest in peace you are with Jesus for sure.. one day I will be able to meet you again..
To the Family of Arthur Blessitt and especially, Denise,
I am saddened to hear yet so full of praise that Mr. Blessitt is now with Jesus Christ, our Lord. His walk and testimony is so REAL and I have been truly blessed to have been introduced to his remarkable journey. God has granted Mr. Blessitt the privilege to not only tell of his obedient journey but to finish the race.
May God’s peace blanket each of you during this season, knowing Our Lord will always be with you.
God be the Glory .
Years ago, via TBN, what a joy and inspiration to have heard Pastor Arthur Blessitt’s story! As an exemplar, surely will miss his joyful serving.
May our Father provide The Blessitt Family with all comforts and
strengths as memories bring pleasure. 2Cor.1:2-4;Ps 119:76(NIV).
A Life Well Lived!! Glory to GOD!. Thank you Arthur Blessitt for your obedience, the living example that it Can Be Done! Your testimony shall live on for all to see and hear around the world. Thank you! For those of us who are still asking how do we do this great commission? All we have to do is see the life you have lived. Thank you. Enjoy Heaven, until the rest of us catch up. Agape. Walk good up there.
I will share your pilgrimage at my church this Sunday. Thanks for such a beautiful work.
Denise, and family of Arthur. I am so saddened to hear of Arthur’s passing. I am rejoicing for him for we know he has gone to his (great) reward! But sad to hear of the loss in this physical realm. Arthur officiated at my husband and my wedding on November 20, 1999. I had been divorced for 5 yrs and felt much like a “loser” for having failed at marriage the first time. When my now husband (Jon) and I got engaged, I wanted it to be meaningful and “real” with God. In light of my past failure, a spark of hope came to mind on how awesome it would be to have this marriage blessed by someone like Arthur. Having been a donor to his ministry, I timidly called to speak to someone and inquire on what I felt was such a remote possibility and a long shot at best. As I recall, I left a message hoping someone would call back but not holding my breath. Not long after, it was Arthur himself who called me. On my phone. Talking live. I was shocked and nervous and self conscious all at once. I explained my past failures and what I hoped for the future and hesitantly asked him if he would maybe, perhaps, possibly perform our wedding. He accepted with gusto! He was so full of the grace of YHWH/God that I never ever forgot how sweet that was that he shared with me, already a believer but a “failure” at it, the grace that awaits those who repent, dust themselves off and get back up and move forward. I was so honored to meet both Arthur and you, Denise. You were both so humble and kind and I just want you to know, I have always treasured that whole experience. My husband and I are STILL married, in love and have a soon to be 24yr old son that would not be here if we never married. Thank you for being part of our lives even if for a short time. I will rejoice forever for knowing we’ll see each other again, in HIS kingdom at the wedding feast. May YHWH give you all grace and mercy in this time of sorrow, and may Arthur’s memory be a blessing to you. I know it is to me. Shalom Aleichem and Grace to you all.
Oh, my beloved Arthur. We reconnected in recent years and it filled my heart with joy to remember the amazing times we had. Particularly those with Maxene Andrews (of The Andrews Sisters) and Jim and Carole Hampton. You will remain alive in my heart and memory. You are with our Lird now. And I know the Heavens are rejoicing in your “life well lived, faithful servant.” Be an intercessor for us, please.
Bless you Arthur and Denise
“Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.”
2 Corinthians 4:1
We will be praying for you and Sophia in these next steps of your ministry! Do not lose heart!!
Thank you, Arthur.
Thank you, Jesus.
Lord Jesus, our Savior and One Mediator…whom have we in heaven but You? And on the earth there is none that we desire besides You.