Wasted Years!!!
Today I want to reach out to those of you who feel the pain of wasted years in your life. Guilt and failure grips your heart making you feel unloved, of no value and left to wallow in your sorrows.
Some of you have covered your feelings of failure and rejection with make-up to cover the pain. But when of sight the pain sweeps over you like a raging sandstorm. Others of you have dived into drugs and drink to seek to cope with the loss of respect. But no matter how deep you sink the pain of realizing your life is wasted wins out.
You may have lost in love and walked away wasted and hopeless.
For others of you know the wasted feelings within even as you have given yourself to success and money. Your bank account is full but your heart is empty. All success seems to be worthless.
There are others of you who love the Lord and are saved yet you live with thoughts of what might have been! As a young person or at college you felt God calling you to missions, evangelism or full time service. But you fell in love with someone that did not feel what you wanted in life. You chose marriage and a stable life instead of the radical call of Jesus that you wanted to live. Others of you started out to be a missionary or evangelist or full time service but the lure of money and success drew you away.
You have lived a life of success but still the call of Jesus is in your heart. I remember meeting an elderly 80 year old lady in Africa. She was from America. We met on the roadside as I was carrying the cross around the world. She told me that as a young lady she surrendered her life to Jesus to be a missionary. But she met a man and wanted to marry him. She suppressed the call of Jesus through the long years of marriage. Her husband died and she still felt the call of Jesus. Against the wishes of her family she left to serve in a mission in Africa. She was smiling and so joyful and said she was the happiest she had been in her life.
I am calling you today to answer that call of God on your life. It’s not too late. Don’t push away! Come to the Cross. Take up your cross and follow Jesus’ call. He is calling you! People need you. I’ve walked around the world in every nation and major island group in the world. This world is filled with beautiful people that need someone to love then and care and share the good news of salvation in Jesus with them.
The Bible says God cried out…
“Whom shall I send?”
“Who will go for Us.”
“Here am I! Send me.” Isaiah said.
Jesus said “as My Father has sent Me so send I you.”
Jesus said; “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into the harvest.”
Jesus said, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Now pray! Say yes to God’s call to follow Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit and “Go”!!! And as you go, preach”
Though the deep dark veil, suddenly there is Jesus!
You are reading this post and tears are swelling up!
Right now is the moment, time to make this decision for Jesus
Please pray in your own words and ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and cleanse your heart. Put your faith and trust in Jesus. Believe in Jesus and invite Him into your heart. Thank Jesus for dying on the cross and shedding His Holy Blood for your sins. Now give Him your life to follow Him and tell others of salvation in Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name! Amen.
For you who have prayed this prayer and answered the call of God for your life. I encourage you to go to my website at www.blessitt.com This website is full of help in how to live for Jesus. There are many of my books free for online reading. You will find help in ministering overseas. You can read of stories in every nation in the world. Also our store has help. Then we have a huge website of videos on Youtube about the walk around the world and live streams and teachings. You will love this at: youtube.com/c/Blessitt We are praying for you.
Pilgrim/Evangelist followers of Jesus.
Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1