There is no week in world history that compares
to the days of suffering of Jesus leading
to the cross.
There is no day in world history like the
awesome time of rejoicing at the
resurrection of Jesus.
The Word became flesh. How could this be?
Joy to the world, but how could this be when
Jesus was weeping in the Garden in agony?
When the blows pounded on His Face with
the fist of anger. Yes the whip fell upon His
back taring the flesh of the Holy One, Messiah.
The angels of heaven stood ready to deliver
Jesus from the cross, but no ‘the Father remained
silent’ and beyond comprehension… “He turned His
back on His Holy Sinless Son Jesus. Now try to understand
this. The Father did not bring deliverance, He turned
His Back! The Holy Spirit was silent when the lifeless
body of Jesus was carried to the tomb.
The Bible says in Psalm 22:6-7 “I am a worm and no man;
and despised by the people.
All those who see Me ridicule Me!”
Isaiah 52:14 “Many were astonished at You.
Your appearance was disfigured beyond that of any
man, and His form was marred beyond human likeness.”
This was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Now you can read Isaiah 53 about the sufferings
of Jesus!
The followers of Jesus suffered.
Now read Hebrews 11 and 12:1-3. This is about the suffering
of those who live by faith in God.
Now, consider this scripture. “That I may know
Him and the power of His resurrection, and
the fellowship of His sufferings being conformed
to His death. Philippians 3:10-11
I invite you to pray and receive Jesus. Here is a sample pray that you can pray. “Dear God, I need you. As best as I know how I pray and ask you Jesus to be my Lord and Savior. I believe You died on the Cross for my sins and shed you Holy sinless Blood on the cross for my. Take away my sins and be my Savior. I repent of my sins and put my trust in Jesus as my Savior. I am not ashamed of Jesus. Thank you Lord for saving me. I am not ashamed of you. All glory to God. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen”
I did not know true suffering on my walk while
carrying the cross around the world. But about two years ago
I was very sick and at the door of death.
I lay on my bed in great pain this went on and on. I have learned so much as I lay in bed in long nights of fellowship with Jesus. I have learned the joy of suffering. Through all the days and long nights Jesus has been my teacher. I will share just a short sample of my love and fellowship with Jesus my Lord and Savior. Amen.
I am a Jesus man.
I love Jesus.
I love the Words of Jesus.
I love the way of Jesus.
I love the Truth of Jesus.
I love the Life of Jesus.
I love talking with Jesus.
I love hearing the Voice of Jesus.
I love doing the will of Jesus.
I love serving Jesus.
I love the peace of Jesus.
I love being in the Kingdom of Jesus.
I love the presence of Jesus.
I love the joy of Jesus.
I love being in the family of Jesus.
I love to share Jesus with others.
I love to talk about Jesus.
I love living my life with Jesus.
I love ministering Jesus to others.
I love to sing to Jesus.
I love communion with Jesus.
I love the fellowship of Jesus.
I love to obey Jesus.
I love being in the Glory of Jesus.
I love living my future in Jesus.
I love to dream of seeing Jesus face to face.
I love to see people praying to Jesus.
I love to see people receiving Jesus as their Savior.
I love to preach about Jesus.
I love to be joined with others with Jesus in our midst.
I love to praise Jesus.
I love to worship Jesus.
I love that Jesus is my Shepherd.
I love that Jesus is my Savior.
I love that the fullness of God is in Jesus.
I love all about Jesus.
I love that Jesus loves me.
I love the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I love that Jesus walks with me.
I love seeing the Power of Jesus.
I could go on and on. This list is not complete, just a sample! May we all fall in eternal love with Jesus and follow Him in all things.
Rejoice! Jesus is Alive! In Jesus Name. Amen! I am not ashamed of Jesus!
Pilgrim followers of Jesus, Arthur and Dense Blessitt, Luke 18:1