In this modern time today with vast advances in technology and science along with social and religious developments ‘Do we still need the Cross’!
Could it be that modern humanity and even some in Christianity have made a grave error in trying to clean up the cross, washing away the Holy Blood and dismissing the true meaning of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Some have tried to dress Jesus up and water down His powerful teachings and Holy Words.
NO, The real Man Jesus carried a REAL Cross, shed REAL blood, suffered in a REAL body, and His REAL dead body was taken down and buried in a tomb. Jesus sweat Real drops of blood in the garden the night before He was crucified. He prayed to the Father “if it is possible let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my will but Thy will be done!” Within hours a scourged, bloody and tortured Jesus is carrying a Cross toward Calvary. No beautiful cross there. No-one saying ‘this cross would look good on you!’ Horror of horrors–how could we, even worse how do we? At that Cross no cheering crowds, no wild adulation, no long ovation of applause ONLY jeers, mockery, curses, nails, blood and a cross as the Son of God bought our souls with his life and Blood!
Jesus said “And blessed is the one who is not offended by me!” Luke 7:23 and Matthew 11:6
There are many today who are offended concerning Jesus. His death on the cross is an embarrassment. His Blood is too graphic.
The Resurrection is spiritualized away. And simply, put for many Jesus is an offense not to be mentioned in fine company. Even in some churches and music a name best not mentioned.
This gets very uncomfortable for many as Jesus said,
“Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me…”
Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34
“Take up your cross Daily and follow Me….” Luke 9:23
“Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” Matthew 10:38
Yes, we Need the Cross! We need to carry our Cross and follow the Cross carrying Savior… Jesus! Glory.
Denise and I will be preaching and teaching about the cross leading up to Easter.
Last week was: “Lift up the Cross”
This Sunday March 12th “Carry the Cross”
Then each Sunday through Easter the messages will be:
“Preach the Cross”, “Glory in the Cross”, “Marks of the Cross”,
“The Sufficiency of the cross”, “Jesus and the Cross”, and Easter Sunday “Because of the Cross! We have the Resurrection!”
We will be traveling to a special place to carry the cross and live stream during Sophia’s spring brake. You will see stunning photos and live streams as we carry the cross and witness.
In a few weeks God willing we will cross 42,000 miles carrying the cross around the world. We will let you know the date just before the historic crossing.
God bless you and thanks for your great support and prayers. We love you all.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur, Denise and Sophia
Luke 18:1