One night Jesus spoke to me.
“I will cover you in the path I have
called you to walk.
Do not detour to the right or to the left.
I have never failed you in the past.
I will not in the future.
Walk in that path.
Walk in My way.
Walk in My Glory.
Rest and be at peace.
Follow Me.
I Am with you.
I Am enough.
Obey not the other voices calling.
I Am Jesus.
Thy Lord and God.
To Me: Arthur Blessitt.” Luke 18:1
Dear God,
“Ask Jesus into my heart and life.
I repent of my sins. Wash me in the
Blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Give
me a new life. I am not ashamed of Jesus.
Use me as a witness of Jesus.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!”
Photo: Arthur Blessitt praying on the road
with the cross.