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Don’t judge who can come to the Cross!

Don’t judge who can come to the Cross!
The Cross of Jesus stands tall as a beacon of hope, mercy, love and salvation to which sinners can flee. The Cross is a place of refuge for the hurting, broken, weeping and weary to find rest and new life.

Through all the terrain of the landscape of history there is no place like Calvary, the place of the scull, the hill of the Cross.

That God chose the Cross, nail pierced Hands and Feet, a spear into the side of the Savior, a crown of thorns and a rugged Cross to bring hope and salvation to the world is beyond astounding.

The Holy, pure, sinless Blood of the Lamb of God being offered to the Father as payment for the sins of the world is with out question the greatest payment ever made and the greatest offer to lost sinners.

The call to come to the cross and be saved diminishes all other offers. “That whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish!!! but have everlasting life!!!

The offer of God to us includes us ‘all’. We the deliverer of the message are not to pick and choose who is worthy to come to the glorious mercy of Jesus at the cross. We are called by Jesus to issue invitations to all the world, to every creature. We are not to judge who can come. We are to as a witness for Jesus and members of the family of God welcome all who come.

The early followers of Jesus in the early church had to learn that lesson first with the man named Saul who assisted in the murder of the deacon Steven and was a terror to the early church. When Saul was converted and God changed his name to Saul the followers of Jesus were afraid of him and at first very unwelcoming. Paul did not fit their image of the kind of person for the church.

Jesus showed us clearly who He died for as we see Jesus giving new life and salvation to one of the two thief’s on the crosses beside Him. Also ‘When the centurion and those with him guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified and said, “Truly this was the Son of God.”

I have lived the past 50 years carrying a 12 foot wooden cross in every country, major island group and territory (324) over 42,300 miles on foot. I have given my life welcoming all at the cross who came. Jesus is the only judge.

My call and mission is to give a loving call to all the world that you can come to Jesus and the cross and find mercy and love and salvation no matter your past or present condition. Repent! Believe! Receive!

During the Life of Jesus on earth we see Jesus eating and drinking and fellowshipping with ‘sinners’ both men and women. Many believed and were converted and followed Him.

The focus and very fiber of my life as a cross carrying follower of Jesus is to care about the soul of every person I meet and seek to share Jesus Christ and Him crucified that they may find mercy, faith and salvation through the shed Blood of Jesus.

That is my mission. I will never change from that mission no matter the cost. I am not the judge of the world but one offering the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

Because of the reality of both heaven and hell. This is a matter of the greatest importance.

Where will you spend eternity? According to the Bible were will you spend eternity!!! I ask myself the same question. My reply is heaven because I have been saved and my sins washed away by the Blood of Jesus as I repented and received Jesus into my life as Savior and Lord.

Welcome to the Cross, there is room at the cross for you!!!
Arthur Blessitt, Luke 18:1

Arthur, Denise and Sophia Blessitt


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