Arthur Blessitt, 81st Birthday Greeting! I want to thank God for creating, saving and giving me the opportunity to know and follow Him. I love the the Father. I love Jesus, my Savior and Lord. I love being filled with the Holy Spirit. I adore and worship the Lord God Almighty for He is worthy of my all, my best and everything! I had rather live one day in the Presence of the Lord than have all the worldly pleasures of a lifetime.
I want to say thanks to all of my dear friends around the world.You have welcomed me into your homes, fed me and given me drink. We have been welcomed and loved by the peoples of the world, of all races, colors, and nations. You have cared for a cross carrying pilgrim. We have shared love and fellowship. The world is home, you are family. I love you and it has been such a humble honor to have seen how you welcomed the cross I was carrying. You have been beautiful to me. Thank you. I bow and kiss your feet, look up and say ‘thanks, now ask Jesus to come into your heart, ask Jesus to forgive your sins and save your soul and make your home in heaven. Put your faith and trust in Him and tell others that you are now saved and following Jesus. Praise the Lord. In Jesus Name. Glory.
I remember carrying the cross in Africa in 1973 and a little boy kept coming up to me as I was carrying the big cross. He was trying to hold my hand and yet he was so small he kept getting pushed aside. We became friends on that jungle dirt road. Finely he had to return home. I will never forget sitting on a log and him sitting beside me. He wanted to go with me but had to say goodbye. I was crying as he looked into my eyes and said, “Sir, would you remember my name.” I said ‘yes’ and repeated his name. He was so excited. I was waving and crying and he left. He kept turning to look back and I stood in the sun with the cross crying and calling out his name. I can still see this picture. But I must share something very heartbreaking; “I forgot his name!” Even now I cry as I write, but this I know…Jesus Remembers this little boys name” He has not forgotten through the passing years. I know that in heaven we will meet again.
I love you all and I can see you still. Often at night I lay in bed and look for hour after hour at the faces of the people in the world. Don’t tell me how bad the world is… oh, I know failure and sin abounds, but I have seen the beauty of people. To me it’s a beautiful world but deep heartache, sin and sorrow has stained it. But my life’s mission has been to share how God so loved this world and Jesus became flesh and became one of us that He could carry our sins and die on the cross to pay for forgiveness of sins that whoever will may come to Jesus and be saved. My life focus has been following Jesus and witnessing for Jesus!
Jesus brought me and my wife Denise together for His glory and accomplish carrying the cross around the world. I know I could not have made it without her. She is so tender and loving yet strong in the Lord and unshakable in commitment to do the will of God. She has and is taking great care of me. Denise I love you.
I also want to say thanks to those who now serve on the Board of Directors of the ARTHUR BLESSITT EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION® and have served in the past. These are some of the greatest followers of Jesus I have ever known. Also to many very special friends who have stood with me, some for over 65 years. Your great support God has used to send us to the world with the message of the Cross. My life has not been just me but I have been surrounded by some of the most awesome Christians in the world.
As I look back at the past I see seven of the most wonderful people, my children: Gina, Joel, Joy, Joshua, Joseph, Jerusalem & Sophia. Each in their own way they have a unique relationship with me, their father. We have our stories and memories from around the world. I can see them playing and praying. From beautiful places to war torn lands we have traveled. Thank each of you for loving your dad and taking care of me and loving the hurting and needy. And for sharing Jesus with the world. Also for giving me grandchildren and a great grandchild. You have grown up and have your on families but our love is as beautiful as ever!
For the story of the crosswalk and my life story and teaching we invite you to: . Arthur’s life story & devotions, history & Store! “The Cross” movie and hundreds of videos! Visit and tour online our Cross Museum!
The Longest Walk! 1968-2021 Guinness World Record. Over 53,340 miles in 324 nations, island groups and territories. 86 million steps and over 19 billion pounds carried. Denise has driven in front of me with supplies and been with me in 294 countries. We are pilgrims, just donkeys lifting up the cross and Jesus. Jesus did it. All glory to God!
Pilgrim followers of Jesus, Arthur and Denise Blessitt, Luke 18:1
P.O.Box 632246, Littleton, Colorado, U.S.A. 80163
Beside the Amazon River one night the Jesus revealed to me His Glory and said to me, Arthur proclaim: “The Glory of the Coming of the Lord is at Hand” Even so come Lord Jesus!
Photo: Arthur on 81birthday October 2021 Copyright©