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Jesus is with you!

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:18-20.  “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20.

For me there is no greater thrill in all the world than the knowledge that Jesus is present with me and in me, ALWAYS! Glory! I could give scripture after scripture to affirm this but I will just let the above two statements of Jesus be our point of reference.

Jesus clearly declares that He will be with the believer and follower of Him always! This is an awesome fact and one of the most missed or misunderstood things in our world today.

Often believers feel alone and seldom or never in personal contact with Jesus. How can we miss this? Whatever you face or wherever you go, know that Jesus is with you!

I have carried the cross around the world and in every nation. Wherever I have been, Jesus is there. Whatever I face Jesus is there. Jesus is with me always. Time and again I have been in places where the only follower of Jesus was me. I am facing a crowd of people or soldiers in distant lands and people often say don’t you feel the power of the devil or demonic spirits in that land. I say ‘No’. Why, because Jesus is with me!

Often I will ask the crowds to repeat after me the name of Jesus. The very moment they say His Name, even though they may not believe in Him at that very moment they say His name, Jesus is there! In the midst of them. Often the presence of the Lord is so strong that there is weeping even before I deliver the message.

Where Jesus is, all the fullness of God is! “For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily”. Colossians 2:9.

Just as I have lived in the Presence of the Lord Jesus around the world you and I can live in His Presence day by day and minister in His Presence. There is no stress or anxiety in this. So welcome Jesus now!

Just imagine if you were to see for real Jesus walking up to you and your friends. Wow, you would have no doubt that Jesus would and could meet your every need. Now this same Jesus is with us today. Jesus is present in your life and mine. When you are praying for some need in a person’s life, know that Jesus hears you as you agree and Jesus is present. Welcome Jesus to meet the need for this person whatever it is.

I will close with just one Old Testament story as God is speaking with Moses. God says to Moses, And He (God) said, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ Exodus 33:14.

Dear weary one, Jesus wants to go with you and be with you. You can have the presence of God always in your life and calling. You do not have to be a dry well. You can live in the refreshing living water! You can minister dear pastor, Sunday school teacher, deacon or follower of Jesus in the presence of Jesus. Be free for Jesus to do what He has always done. Fear not. Break out of the bondage of religion and into the freedom and glory of  the presence of Jesus. Know who is with you and then Go in Jesus Name. It is vital to know this in order to go into all the world with the message of salvation in Jesus our Lord.

With love, blessings and miracles, pilgrim followers of Jesus. Arthur and Denise Blessitt. Luke 18:1.

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