Costa Rica


What a glorious time I had carrying the cross in Costa Rica. The people were welcoming and receptive to the cross and the message of Jesus.

All along the highway from Nicaragua to the capital, San Jose and on to Panama the people would gather to welcome the cross. I was carrying the cross from Mexico City to South America along the Pan American Highway.

On the road with me was Mike Ooten, a dear friend from the United States. I had a four wheel drive SUV pulling a small camping trailer that we lived in. Mike would drive and I carried the cross. He would go ahead a few miles and find a place to park and wait for me. We had food, drink and our beds in the camper. This was our home on the road through Central America.

After arriving in San Jose I took a flight back to the U.S. for a few meetings and then returned to Costa Rica with my son, Joel. We stayed in San Jose for several days street preaching and we had a great rally in the Park Central.

We saw thousands come to Jesus in Costa Rica, trusting Him as Savior and Lord and committing their lives to follow Jesus.

Costarica5One night the power of God came upon me as I was witnessing in a bar. The people could feel the power of God sweeping over them. My right hand began to burn like a hot stove. When I got back to the room Joel and Mike could feel the heat radiating from my hand. I was so hot it was burning. The people are saying even in the streets my face is glowing.

We left San Jose to carry the cross on to Panama. It meant
taking the highway that goes over the mountains. Joel walked
up the mountain with me. The crest was at 11,015 feet.
It was a real challenge.

We spent the night at the top, and then Joel and I carried the
cross down the mountain in one day. We had walked 40 miles
with the cross in two days up and down the mountain. Joel will be a powerful man of God. The morning after the walk down the mountain with the cross, I started to get out of bed and oh, I could hardly move the muscles at the back of my legs were so sore! The road had been steep and walking while holding back the weight of the cross had made the muscles sore.

It was wonderful to be with Joel and Mike on this crosswalk.

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1