When we arrived at the airport and were going through customs the official wanted to know what was in the long bag (my 12 foot cross in 3 six foot sections). I showed him and said it was wood. He wanted to know what the wood was for and I told him it was my cross. He asked, “It’s not gold is it?’ “No,” I replied and he waved us through!
Denise, my wife and I went to an area near the bridge to Saudi Arabia and carried the cross all across this island nation. This was a very friendly place as I talked to people from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, India, Philippians, U.S and so many other nations I have forgotten.
We had a powerful time. No one said anything bad to us and we prayed with several people to welcome Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1