June, 2008
Zanzibar was a very exciting and historic time for us. This island is a part of Tanzania in East Africa.
On Christmas Day 1969 II began carrying a 12-foot cross around the world in every nation and now with Zanzibar I have completed every major island group on earth! Jesus did it. I started in America and completed this mission in Zanzibar. That is from A to Z! I did not plan it that way, I promise.
One day while on the road, a Maasai warrior came out of the bush to greet us and welcome the cross. Normally they are very withdrawn from westerners but this man knew about Jesus and was so excited to see the cross. He gave me the bracelet he was wearing and I gave him the red scarf I had tied on the cross to wipe my sweat. We prayed as he spoke a bit of English and our driver also interpreted. He then left and returned to give gifts to Denise and Sophia. After a while another group of Maasai gathered around the car looking at Denise and Sophia. She got out and
greeted them, gave them red Jesus stickers and they were so excited. Soon I arrived with the cross. They were thrilled. With their bits of English and the interpreter we shared Jesus. These people were a part of a bush church and loved Jesus. They wanted to hold the cross; this was a happy time for them. The leader or chief was carrying his Maasai warrior club. He put it in my hand and presented it to me. I then gave him my water bottle and hipster. He started leaping up and down praising the Lord. We had a “Jesus jumping up and down Maasai dance” on the road. We also gave them some money to help build the bush church.
One day after a long talk I led a man to Jesus. He told a friend of his whom he knew to be a follower of Jesus what had happened. The next day the believer came to us so happy and wanting to know how he could share Jesus with Muslims. He was amazed we were openly carrying the cross without any problems.
The day we left Zanzibar the manager of the hotel said, “The whole island is talking about the cross being carried here.”
My wife, Denise was with me and walked some with the cross and also went with the taxi van we rented with a driver along the hot roads with water and food. Our four-year old daughter, Sophia was also with us all the time.
This island is about 98% Muslim and everyone we met was friendly and welcoming. This has followed the pattern that Jesus did for us in making the world open to the cross and the message of the cross. What a testimony for Jesus that the cross has been carried in ‘all’ the nations of the earth. Glory.
This was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving to God. The last morning I went out with the cross before dawn and carried the cross in the darkness and early dawn. It was a profound time of fellowship with Jesus. Jesus spoke to me, “The world is open for you. You are free to carry the cross and minister Jesus in all the world. Wherever I lead you.” He has been with me every step and every moment on this journey around the world. Sure, I will carry the cross more but the long walk pressing on to complete the mission will be different. I weep to think about how I will miss this. Jesus told me the world is open to me and the cross to carry it and minister the message of the cross. This is glorious. I thrill to the future in Jesus. I Glory in the Cross! Amen
Arthur Blessitt Carrying the Cross around the World on Foot sharing Jesus
1969 – 2008
“Every nation and major island group on earth”
315 Nations, island groups and territories
38,102 Miles
One and a half times around the world at the equator
Guinness World Records ‘Longest walk in documented human history’
Completed June 7, 2008
Jesus did it! All glory to God!
Wherever you may go the cross has gone before you!
“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” Jesus Matthew 24:14
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1