United States – Seven Day Fast and Prayer Blog

August 27 – September 3, 2006

Arthur Blessitt’s Daily Diary-Blog
“7 Day Prayer and Fasting”
Heritage Christian Center, Denver, Colorado
August 27th — September 3rd, 2006

Matthew 17:19-21
Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast him out?”
So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
“However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Mark 9:28-29
And when He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately,
“Why could we not cast him out?”
So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”

Sunday, September 3rd:

Today, the final day of the prayer fast was glorious. Pastor Leonard preached a powerful sermon and then called the sick and hurting forward to the alter for prayer.

Our 7 day prayer fast teams joined Mark, Joshua and I for the healing prayers. Many people were healed by the Power of Jesus our Lord and Savior.

After the second service the people also came forward to the alter for prayer. We stayed praying until the last person was prayed for. It was a mighty time.

I will never forget one lady almost totally blind in one eye from Glaucoma and the other eye was going blind being healed. We were praying over her eyes and then I ask her to open her eyes! She screamed I can see! She could see clearly in both eyes. Her granddaughter was also shouting and praising God.

This went on and on with praise erupting every few moments as people were being healed.

Let me conclude by saying that this was a powerful and glorious week of miracles! I was a page out of the Book of Acts. This has been something one may have heard of taking place in some overseas nation but not in America.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is ruling and reigning Today!!!
The works of Jesus and the Holy Spirit did not end in the Book of Acts. Just fast and pray and believe and ask and see Jesus move today.

This move of the healing power of Jesus began here at HCC last year during the prayer fast and has not ended. This is now over a year.

Thanks for all your encouraging e mails and prayer request. Keep us in your prayers as we move forward in our lives serving Jesus and carrying the cross and preaching Jesus.

Oh, Sophia our little daughter is moving in mighty power in praying for people. People are being healed and delivered and blessed as she prays for them and lays hands on them. It is beyond my dreams. One lady came from California to have Sophia lay hands on her and pray for her.

God bless you all.

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1

Saturday, September 2nd:

All I can say is the miracles of healings and changed lives and people saved is simply staggering.

Friday was unreal. Like something you dreamed would be happening in America but have never saw! Like on the mission field.

One hugely swollen lady with heart problems, etc came for prayer and before our eyes her legs reduced in size more than four inches each and her body reduced all over. She said “I am vanishing!” Should you not believe this the video camera was running and the cameraman got the miracle on tape! This is true.

Bad eyes healed and cripple walking for the first time in years and tonight we had two healings of MS. One lady who was healed last year from MS came to celebrate her healing.

Tomorrow, Sunday we move into the main auditorium or Heritage Christian Center. After each service we will have the people in need of miracles come to the front to be prayed for. About six or seven thousand people will be in the meeting. Our pastor Bishop Dennis Leonard with be bringing the message and our fasting and prayer miracle week teams will assist us at the alter.

Pray, Pray, This will be Glorious,

I will let you know about tomorrow’¦God willing

All Glory to God.


Thursday, August 31st:

Thursday 2 pm MT

US06Fast1All glory to God! I am sorry I did not e mail Sally a update last night but I just did not take the time from the crowds needing prayer and miracles.

The mighty power of God is being poured out. All day Wednesday there was a constant flow of people coming to be prayed for. The convictions was so deep people were weeping and being set free from deep hurts and inner pain as well as physical healing.

Even as I came into the office to try to write this I was called back to the prayer area with people weeping and in need of healings.

We have prayer teams but some people want me to personally pray for them.

US6Fast2Last night our pastor Bishop Dennis Leonard led in our Wednesday night meeting. There were about 2,500 people in the church. With glorious music to start, pastor shared and then called on Pastor Mark Leonard to share how to be set free from hurts, pains and to forgive others and be loosed in Jesus Name. It must have been well over a thousand people that circled and line the walls and across the front, etc. They prayed and were healed of these things. There was weeping and shouting and beautiful freedom.

Then pastor preached on receiving the baptism and power of the Holy Spirit. His message and ministry was so Spirit filled. I was beautiful as he sat down on the steps at the end and led the people in prayer and the baptism.

US6Fast3Now they were ready for healing. The people were invited to the chapel area where Pastor Joshua Blessitt, Pastor Mark Leonard and me each had prayer lines. The lines went out the doors. For hours we prayed with people along with our prayer teams.

I do not want to imply in any way that we are the only ones praying and seeing result. Glory, all our prayer teams are moving in the healing power of the Holy Spirit. People are saved, healed, blessed, delivered, set free and filled.

I sleep in the Chapel at night along with four of our team. We have ministry prayer team on shifts 24 hours a day.

I got to lie down about one o’clock a.m., exhausted.

Early I was awakened to pray with a weeping young lady in distress. So I got up without my contact lens in and in less than one minute was talking and ministering to her. What a way to wake up!

All day it has been a constant flow.

Yesterday at noon I faced a decision. I could either continue to fast with water only and just fast and pray or I had to eat a meal in order to have clarity of mind so that I could go on with hour after hour of talking and praying and pouring out to others.

Now I fasted ‘water only’ 28 days in Hollywood, California in 1969, 40 days the same in Washington DC in 1970, several times for seven days around the world, many times three days. But this seven day prayer fast miracle week is for others!

US06Fast4Here we are in a huge church that has about 12,000 a week in attendance and with them and their friends and workmates, etc the needs are awesome. People are pouring in with pains and hurts and despair.

I could keep a total fast but I could not keep a clear mind for hour after hour day after day. As I lay praying I felt Jesus say “Arthur the fast is now bigger than you. I need you to be able to minister to the people with a clear mind.”

I am a stubborn man and committed but I seek only to follow Jesus. My son and my pastor said I needed to have a clear mind.

I went and had an afternoon lunch after the three and a half days of fasting. After a few bites my mind was clear and I felt great. I feel clear and have ministered and prayed with people ever since.

Our pastor had called for our church to have only one meal a day. So I guess I joined the group.

Some of the team is still on a total fast.

US06Fast5So you who are following this are also seeing how I live and move and minister in walking with Jesus.

In all the other fasts in the past I was not as overwhelmed with constant giving out. It was more personal and for a specific purpose. This is for ministry and we are seeing the results.

I will send some photos of praying with the people in the Chapel area.

Oh, the reports of healing are pouring in!

To Jesus be all the Glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus is Here! In Power! The “Same” Jesus!

God bless and work His miracle in you.


Tuesday, August 29th:

I am writing tonight at 11 p.m.
This is short because the Glory is so Great!

The manifestation of Jesus is so great and the wave of Glory so awesome that I can hardly stand.

Last night and today and all day and now into the night there is one life after another being totally change.

People are coming in and bursting in tears. Sometimes we have to wipe the floor to keep people for slipping down in the water.

People are being delivered from life long addiction and hurts and pains. We pray and Jesus comes in and cleanses and heals and the Holy Spirit floods in and glory breaks out.

This is Glory. People healed of all kinds of sickness pain GONE. I don’t think I can remember that in the past three day one person leaving in pain.

I am too tired to see my computer keys, my knees are weak. I am taking my sleeping bag down to the Chapel to try to get some sleep.

We have the greatest prayer team, I believe, in the world at the moment here at Heritage Christian Center.

Pray for us. The outpouring of Power is growing but the flesh is weak by countless hours of constant prayer.

I promised to e-mail photos but I just cannot do it tonight.

I feel in my spirit that tomorrow night the ‘Glory’ will come. We will step up to another level of ministry.

I love you all. Jesus is here NOW!

A pilgrim follower of Jesus,
Luke 18:1


Monday, August 28th:

I can only say Glory, Glory, Glory! The awesome and mighty power of Jesus is being poured out! Dozens of people have been totally healed! Deaf ears now hearing and cripple people walking without pain or support.

US06Fast6One lady who had no bladder control was healed with no problem now. One man injured and not working for a year was healed last night and worked today on the job. People with all kinds of problems are being healed.

Many people are coming to Jesus and being saved. Broken lives are being restored and relationships healed. The people are coming in a steady flow, hour after hour.
Sunday afternoon and night I prayed and talked for 11 hours with people and saw miracle after miracle. Mark Leonard is now praying with people as I take a short break to e-mail this to Sally. People are gathering for as I write this.

I had a difficult nights sleep on the floor last night but even in the night
as I go up to go to the bathroom people were being saved and
ministered to.The power of God is just incredible.

We have a mighty prayer team of many people doing shifts so that we have teams waiting to minister with us 24 hours a day. I prayed with people for 6 hours straight this afternoon. Joshua my son came to me at 6 pm and said ‘daddy you need a break and a nap’. I lay down and slept and feel great just now at 8:15 mountain time. I must go. People are waiting.

Jesus is at work in mighty ways. Will send photos for tomorrow.


Sunday, August 27th:

Glory, the Power of God is flowing here this afternoon.

People are being healed and set free and blessed. It is Glorious!

We are at the West entrance side of Heritage Christian Center using the entrance way, grass, the hallway and the Chapel.

I carried the cross out of the second service today at HCC. There were over 6,000 in the two morning meeting combined. Bishop Dennis Leonard preached a powerful message. Denise my wife and Sophia our daughter walked with me and the cross out to the place of the prayer fast.

Mark Leonard has been arranging the grounds into an awesome community feel.

Joshua Blessitt has everything in order with people serving and praying and ministering the communion and footwashing along with materials.

I have the three crosses I’ve carried around the world out and I have the chair I used last year to sit in.

It is beginning to feel like home.

People are weeping and shouting and worshiping God. Often there is silence with just the sound of background music. Many families have come to be prayed for.

One man I prayed for this afternoon had no tears to wet his right eye. He has had the problem for a couple of years. His eye was dry and scratched in great pain. Nothing has given him relief. As we prayed for him and lay hands on his eyes, tears burst forth and ran down his face. His eye had been getting bad but it too was healed. His eyes are now normal. Thank you Jesus.

A lady who was injured 15 years ago came in a wheelchair. She was bent to one side and could not set upright nor lift her left arm but just a bit. We prayed for her a long time and with tears of joy and excitement she left saying she was 50% better! Thank you Jesus. She can feel her toes and has normal feeling down her legs. She can lift her arm. Oh is she ever happy. She said “I feel alive”

I could tell many more but have no time as people are waiting for prayer. We have a great prayer team and people are starting to pour in to pray and be prayed for.

God willing I will have an update tomorrow.

I will be staying all night and sleeping here too.

We will have a gathering together at 6:30 p.m. each day. I am to share tonight. The Spanish Church here meets at the same time and they are joining us for prayer tonight. Should be a great night of Glory.

I will take a photo and e-mail it tomorrow.

God bless you all and please pray for us. Please pray for us as we pray and even e-mail your prayer request.

Forgive any misspelled words, etc as this is fast and unedited. ha

Thank you Jesus,
Arthur Blessitt
Luke 18:1


Saturday, August 26th:

Tonight I just wrote my weekly column on Jesus fasting and what He said about fasting. It was great inspiration for the prayer fast starting tomorrow.

I once fasted 40 days, another time 28 days, several times seven days and three days. It is a glorious and awesome experience. It is difficult the first few days then the ‘Glory Comes’. See the story of my 40-day fast.

The story of last year’s seven day prayer fast is here.

I invite you to read this week’s column about Jesus and fasting.

I always feel a bit nervous before I start a long fast. Perhaps nervous is not the right word, but I feel spiritually excited! I feel a supercharge of the Holy Spirit. I know Jesus will be with me and the Holy Spirit will lead and the Father will be Glorified. Yet, it is the calm before the Glory!

The will be thousands of people coming for prayer.

During the past year we have seen well over a thousand people healed and thousands that have had miracle blessings and answered prayer. It has been the most glorious in this area of miracles and blessings that I have ever seen. This has happened here at Heritage Christian Center, in meetings from California to Florida to Alaska and in between.

I want to acknowledge the leadership of our pastor Dennis Leonard. This man of God has been open to this move of God’s spirit and is moving in the power of God.

At the end of the second service tomorrow, Sunday August 27th I will by the grace of God carry the cross from the front of the church out through the aisle and into the hallway. Then we will go to the west entrance and in front of the chapel. One of the three crosses that I have carried around the world will be standing up outside at the west entrance. Inside I will have set up my other two crosses and I will have a chair there to sit in when I need it.

We have one area set up for “foot washing” and another area for “communion or the Lord’s Supper.” We will have communion every two hours.

We invite the Presence of Jesus and in His Presence every need is met.

I know Jesus will heal and bless and answer prayer.

Should you live in the Denver area in driving distance we welcome you to come and pray and be prayed for.

For others around the world we will pray for you and we have seen many healed and needs met as we prayed for them by phone or through e-mail.

Many people are joining in this prayer fast. Thousands of members at HCC and others around the world.

Pastor Mark Leonard, will leading in praying with people along with Pastor Anna, Pastor Miller and other staff at HCC. My son Joshua Blessitt will be praying and is arranging the support for everything.

My wife Denise will be there praying also along with our daughter Sophia. During the time every one of my adult children will be there to support the prayer fast.

I must now stop and get my last minute things together as I will be sleeping in the chapel. This is, remember, a 24-hour prayer fast. We will have teams there at all times.

I am so excited I do not know if I can sleep! Tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among us! To God be the glory.

I will post an update each day, Thanks to Sally Coble! God bless you Sally.

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1