The long crosswalk in Alaska was indeed one of the most wonderful ever. Both nature and the people were awesome and spectacular. I carried the cross 444 miles in Alaska.
My wife, Denise and I rented an RV camper to live in and Denise drove up the highway a few miles and then waited for me as I walked. We would repeat this over and over.
We parked in RV parks along side the road and stayed in people’s homes. Denise is just the greatest road cook. We also had some of the best cooking ever from the people who invited us into their homes. Day after day we had people bringing us delicious smoked fish or other meats.
I love the outdoor flavor of Alaska and the independent people who choose to live there. Following are some of the things I wrote in my daily diary during the Alaska crosswalk.
I carried the cross from Anchorage to Fairbanks and then south for a while toward Tok. This route took us past the glorious Mt. McKinley
Anchorage, April 27th . The first day was glorious. We started out and a news reporter followed along as person after person was eager to talk and pray. We led many hurting people to Jesus. Only carried the cross four miles as I could only walk a few steps between people coming up to talk.
April 28th . Very difficult to do much walking as car after car stopped with people wanting to talk and pray. We are walking the Glen Highway. Met some beautiful people who invited us to speak at a Methodist Church. My feet are tired and burning and my body aches. I have been home in Florida between trips and must get broken in for the road. Ha
April 29th . Car after car stopped today just like yesterday. Walked 18.5 miles. Met a lady who was reading a book and it had a chapter in it about me carrying the cross. Then she saw me on the road! She and her husband invited us to preach at their church tomorrow.
May 1st . Today we had Sushi lunch at a restaurant in Wasilla. Mr. And Mrs. Oh, the owners are Korean. They also have a sports store and they gave me the best cold weather raincoat I have ever had. Denise and I stayed in their home for the night. What a wonderful family.
May 2nd . Just wow! At one point today we had 26 people walking with the cross and me!
This is now open road and there are no towns, but people just keep coming out of side roads to the cross. Denise and I saw moose today alongside the road.
May 6th . I carried the cross in the cold and rain all day. That coat the Oh’s gave me sure was needed today. We are parked by snow-covered mountains and can see several glaciers. We are parked along the road near Lodge View.
May 15th . Crossed the 300-mile marker today and feel great. I’m walking about 20 to 22 miles a day now. No pain and we are moving on through this country with friendly people stopping. People have heard of the walk and are looking for me as they drive.
May 19th . Carried the cross into Fairbanks today! Jesus did it! About 360 miles I have walked in Alaska now. Not so many people stopped to talk today. Was a bit different.
May 22nd . Carried the cross through “North Pole,” Alaska! Wow. Many soldiers stopped today along the highway to talk. There are military bases nearby. The soldiers were eager to talk and I prayed with some. There is a Post Office in this little town with crowds of people mailing letters from the “North Pole!”
May 27th . This was the last day of the crosswalk and Denise and I feel sad as we are leaving Alaska. This is just such a beautiful place. This is one place I would not mind living. We started the long drive back to Anchorage.
God bless Alaska!
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1