Cross and preaching mission in Kampala, Uganda with
Arthur and Joshua Blessitt
The meetings were held in the Kibuli Mutajazi Grounds, a suburb of Kibuli. Many thousands attended each meeting. We had beautiful music from the local churches. Kibuli is the main residential area for Muslims in Kampala and is home to its biggest mosque. One mosque joined the field of our meetings. We did not have any problems at all with the people .
Joshua and I were invited to the leadership Prayer Breakfast with many of the main leaders of government and parliament. They asked me to share a brief message.
At a news conference there were about twenty of the local press from the newspapers, radio and television. This was a great witness to the nation.
Joshua and I took turns preaching. Every night we both spoke, one of us would bring the greeting and one or two points and then the other finishing the message and giving the invitation to receive Jesus.
We saw many hundreds of people give their lives to Jesus as Savior and Lord. The local pastors did the follow up with new converts. Many of these were Muslim and this was a very radical commitment to come out in public for Jesus.
Joshua and a local pastor Joshua Magazzi baptized 125 people in famous Lake Victoria. Some people requested a new name as they were now cast out and rejected by their home and family.
We saw many people healed of all types of problems. As they were healed many would come to the stage and testify of the mighty power of God.
The city of Kampala is in turmoil with riots having just taken place before we arrived and now a heavy presence of troops and police are in the city center. We had a cross walk right through the downtown area and had no problems. Jesus did it. We then had a marching band join the crosswalk! People held banners about the meetings, the band played and the cross passed along the amazed crowds of people. The police blocked off the traffic and we walked through the jammed streets. It was a sight to behold.
It was a great blessing and honor to minister together with Joshua. The vision for this meeting was from him and he is a mighty man of God. He has lived his life around the world and been in evangelism all his life. Glory.
We did a powerful interview with the local TBN TV station in Uganda.
It was beautiful to be back in Uganda again. Denise, my wife and I carried the cross there nine years ago.
Denise and our daughter, Sophia did not go on this trip as there were extremely long flights and it was primarily a preaching meeting and not a cross walk. Oh, I missed my love and my little love!
We had great support from a couple of dozen local pastors. The local team here did a wonderful job
God bless you all.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1