Andaman and Nicobar Islands are off the coast of Burma, Thailand and Indonesia in the Bay of Bengal.
A team of witnesses came by ship from the ‘Body of Christ’ to these islands to help us. The night before we flew in they were at sea and a cyclone formed over them and the Andaman Islands. Their ship almost sank but praise God they arrived and so did we.
We traveled 14 hours to the north end of the islands on some bumpy roads and on two boats to carry the cross at Majopure. It was tough riding. The crosswalk was a vacation! Ha. We had a great witness in Majopure.
We came back to Port Blair and carried the cross through the city. Pastors warned we might have problems from the people and police but by the grace and mercy of God, encountered no problems! We even had a meeting in front of the big Hindu temple. One important lady came running to the cross from her car to be blessed. I shared the message of Jesus and led her in prayer. Many came to Jesus and we had a powerful team of witnesses in the streets.

We had two nights of meetings in a public hall. Non-Indian people are not allowed to preach on these islands. Jesus gave me wisdom and I just stood by the cross in front of the crowd, not on the platform and told stories about carrying the cross around the world. Of course my stories told of explaining to people about the cross and the message of the cross and the prayer to receive Jesus, all in story form! Then we gave a brief message and the invitation to receive Jesus. Praise God.
Denise and Sophia became involved at an orphanage in Port Blair. Denise bought gifts one day. Then she and Sophia gave them to the children. The children in the orphanage were from remote islands and their families had been killed in the tsunami a couple of years ago. They had never been given a personal gift and it was so moving to see them and know that they are with believers now and to see them singing in church on Sunday.

This is a very poor area and also where we were last week and the week before. This is among the poorest areas in India. You cannot buy normal food in a can. Sophia could not eat the curry, it was too hot for her. It was a challenge but by the grace of God she made it.
Police were present at the public meetings to arrest me for preaching. However instead of speaking from the pulpit I simply stood in front of the crowd with the cross. I had the Guinness World Records book in my hand and told stories of the cross being carried around the world. They were happy to let me speak, as I was not preaching. Ha! I was just telling about people and the cross and how they prayed to receive Him as Savior and Lord.
This was a powerful time in an area of the world that suppresses the open proclamation of the message of Jesus.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus,
Arthur, Denise and Sophia Blessitt
Luke 18:1