

By God’s mercy and grace we had a glorious crosswalk in Mongolia. We had freedom to walk with the cross openly and share Jesus. The people welcomed us and the witness was clear and powerful. The first person to become a follower of Jesus was our wonderful lady interpreter in Mongolia! Mongolia was cold, mountainous and a former soviet communist country.

One young lady in Mongolia ran up to Denise as she waited for me to arrive with the cross and with a big smile and excitement said, “I am a Christmas!” Ha. She was confusing the word Chistmas for Christian! Please pray for the believers in both these countries as they face many difficult pressures.

We carried the cross in and around the capital city of Ulan Bantor.

Denise and I also carried the cross in several areas far outside the capital city, including Gorkhi-Terelj and Terelj Ger and other places.

We stayed most nights in the Ger camps. It was simply a glorious time. At one time this country was one of the most difficult to travel in.

Glory to God we carried the cross in Mongolia and with the beautiful and responsive people. Many came to Jesus.

Pilgrim followers of Jesus,

Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1