What a glorious time we had in this wonderful land carrying the cross, meeting the people and sharing the glorious news of Jesus.
We arrived in Quito the capital and rented a car. I started carrying the cross heading east from the city center and then out past the airport.
I witnessed to many people along the way. Led one preacher who had fallen away from Jesus back to the Lord. He made a full commitment to follow Jesus and was so happy.
We are in the mountains and there were wild fires in the woods and sweeping across the highway. Had a chance to share Jesus with many people.
As we got far away from the city the people were so poor and needy. We tried to help some of the very poorest families.

One day a Catholic Bishop came out and carried the cross with me through the Indian village of Itavalio. We are now on the tourist route. Ha, tour buses are now stopping and I am praying with people from all over the world. Today I reached an altitude about 9,000 feet.
We stayed with the wonderful Lopez family at Hacienda Santa Moncia.
This is one of the largest homes I have ever stayed in. About 10 or
12 people walked with the cross from the Rancho to the highway.
After reaching Ibana we drove back to Quito and started again at the city center but this time walking west on the main highway. We had crowds of people everywhere and it was a glorious time of witness and street preaching! Only met two critics. These were two evangelists! They were rebuking me for making and carrying a cross.
The drivers are wild on these roads. Only Jesus can keep me safe in this traffic.
I will never forget seeing Denise crying as I walked up to the car with the cross. We were in the Banos area. She pointed out a huge garbage dump near the highway. In the horrible garbage was children digging to find scraps to eat or things to sell. They
had a little cart to carry the things they found in. One little girl was perhaps only 3 years old.
Denise got sick one night with vomiting and high fever. She was so sick! I prayed for her but she was still sick. So told me to still carry the cross and she would drive up a short distance and see how she felt. Great crowds were gathered around the cross.
Suddenly here came Denise rushing up to me. I was about to walk on. She grabbed the cross and started carrying it. She was so sick. I said “Denise you can’t do this.” She replied as she struggled up the road, “Jesus just told me to go back and carry
the cross and He would strengthen me.”
Jesus did it! This was a real miracle of God.
God bless Ecuador and bless the poor people of this land. God have mercy.
Pilgrim followers of Jesus
Arthur and Denise Blessitt
Luke 18:1